Big Brother 21 Episode 31 recap: the worst episode ever

Holly Alexander and Jackson Michie on Big Brother. Big Brother airs on Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Holly Alexander and Jackson Michie on Big Brother. Big Brother airs on Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The worst episode of Big Brother ever aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 31. Jessica Milagros and Christie Murphy were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. In this episode, we saw Michie and Holly fighting and the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, we saw Michie and Holly make up and the Power of Veto Competition. Seriously was anyone else on this episode besides Michie and Holly?

Big Brother 21 Episode 31 aired last night on CBS. In the last episode, Jackson Michie defeated Tommy Bracco to win Head of Household. Tommy took a deal that he would be safe for the week if he dropped. Nicole Anthony was upset about her inability to win any competitions. Cliff Hogg III volunteered to be a replacement nominee if it was needed and Christie Murphy was informed she would be a pawn in a plan to target Jessica Milagros. At the nomination ceremony, Michie nominated Jessica and Christie for eviction as planned.

In tonight’s episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony. After that, we saw Michie and Holly fighting and the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, Michie and Holly made up. After the Power of Veto Competition, Michie and Holly made up before the Power of Veto ceremony. Seriously was anyone else on this episode besides Michie and Holly? This is easily the worst episode of all time and if not it is definitely the most poorly edited.

Big Brother 21 Episode 31 begins

Big Brother 21 began like most episodes do, with a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. We were then treated to another replay of Jessica falling off the wall during the HOH Competition. This was easily the highlight of the episode. The main title sequence was not shown. After the replay of Jessica’s fall, Big Brother 21 Episode 31 began where Episode 30 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 31: Nomination ceremony fallout

Michie stated that Jessica was more of his target than Christie was because he had a standing deal with Christie. However, no matter who went home between Jessica and Christie, Michie would consider his HOH reign a success.

Jessica felt like she had been played because she felt she had a good relationship with Michie. She did not want to be nominated against Christie because she loved Christie. Christie wasn’t happy about being nominated as a pawn. Especially since it was her fourth time being nominated in a row. She felt as long as she pretended to be cool with Michie and his plan that she would stay. However, she wanted to take a shot at Michie and Holly the first chance she got.

Jessica lamented her nomination to Christie and Tommy in the RV room. Christie and Tommy tried to comfort her.

Big Brother 21 Episode 31: Michie and Holly fight

Then we saw Holly, Michie, and Nicole talking in the HOH room. Holly wanted to do a Q & A on the Big Brother live feeds. She would do the Q & A with a different person each day. The purpose of this was for America to get to know players better.

However, Michie wanted no part of this because he felt that kind of thing should be private and just did the best he could to shut down Holly’s idea. Nicole supported Holly’s idea and Holly wanted to start doing it on Friday night. Michie again shut this down by saying not to do it on Friday night, especially since it was Labor Day weekend. This led to tension between Michie and Holly.

Nicole then left the room and Michie was upset with Holly for being snippy towards him. Holly responded by telling Michie he was being annoying by being bossy. Michie was in disbelief and asked what he had told her to do. Holly then told him it was the way he said the things he did that he came off as condescending tone like she was an idiot for it. Michie didn’t get why Holly was upset with him.

After the Power of Veto player draw, we saw the next segment of Michie and Holly’s fight. Michie came down from the HOH room in the morning with a watermelon in his hands. Holly had made a cup of coffee that she handed him. Michie took the cup of coffee, thanked her, and then proceeded to brush her off and ignore her. Holly was upset with Michie because she was being shut out by him.

Michie walked past Holly a second time, ignoring her again, before sitting down to chat with Cliff, Christie and Tommy. Holly, upset with Michie, asked if he was going to say good morning. MIchie claimed he did (he didn’t). Michie told Holly he would talk to her upstairs but he wasn’t doing it in the living room. She also told him to stop being a (expletive). Christie then went to comfort Holly in the RV room.

After Christie’s chat with Holly, Michie was seen ignoring Holly again that night. After Michie got what he was looking for, he went up to the HOH room. Holly followed him upstairs so she could talk with him.

Holly wanted to know why Michie was being so mean to him. Michie claimed he wasn’t being mean and told Holly he was upset with the way she talked to him in front of other people in the house. Michie was specifically upset with the expletives Holly had called him in front of Cliff, Christie, and Tommy multiple times. Holly said she only said it once and didn’t mean it. He didn’t like being “embarrassed” when he claimed everything he was doing was for Holly. When Holly tried to interject, Michie cut her off.

Michie told Holly he wasn’t going to sit there and get disrespected/unappreciated. Holly tried to tell him she felt the same way he did when Michie ignored her and was done talking with her. Michie cut her off again and told her he was done talking to her. This drove Holly to tears.

Michie said he was sorry she was upset before laying into her again. Michie then told her he was done with the conversation (again) before Michie kicked her out of the HOH room despite Holly being in tears. After a few minutes in the HOH room, Michie walked out and ignored a crying Holly, who was just outside.

Big Brother 21 Episode 31: Power of Veto Competition

After the first segment of Michie and Holly’s fight, it was time to pick players to play in the Power of Veto Competition. Michie drew Nicole’s chip, Christie drew Tommy’s chip, and Jessica drew the houseguest choice chip. Jessica used her houseguest choice to pick Cliff to play.

After a few more segments of Michie and Holly’s fight, it was finally time for the Power of Veto Competition. It was the classic “Hide and Go Veto” Competition.

For this week’s Power of Veto Competition, players had to hide a Veto life preserver somewhere in the house where nobody could find it. One at a time, they would enter the house and would have 2.5 minutes to hide their veto. Once all the vetoes were hidden, they would take turns entering the house and search for another houseguest’s veto. All vetoes would look exactly the same on the outside so houseguests wouldn’t know whose veto they found.

After five vetoes had been found, it would be revealed which veto found belonged to who. The houseguest whose veto had not been found would win the Power of Veto.

Houseguests destroyed the house as they looked for other players vetoes (seriously, the house could’ve been declared a disaster zone). Michie ended up finding 3 out of 5 vetoes. Tommy found a veto and Jessica also found a veto.

The first veto found belonged to Jessica, The second veto found belonged to Nicole. The third veto found belonged to Michie. The fourth veto found belonged to Christie. The fifth and final veto found belonged to Cliff. As a result, Tommy won the Power of Veto.

Christie was very happy about Tommy winning the Power of Veto because she knew she was going to be vetoed by Tommy. The houseguests walked back into the house and realized what a mess they made of the place. Tommy showed everyone where he had hidden his veto. Jessica realized she was in big trouble with Tommy having won the Power of Veto.

Big Brother 21 Episode 31: Michie and Holly make up

Michie and Holly were then seen talking. Michie asked Holly if she was doing better and she said she was. Michie told Holly that regardless of what happened on a personal level, they had no choice but to work with each other on a game level.

Michie didn’t know what he wanted in terms of his relationship with Holly but he knew he didn’t want personal things to pull either of them down. Holly said she was focused on the game but didn’t want to lose Michie in the process and the two hugged it out.

Big Brother 21 Episode 31: Power of Veto ceremony

Big Brother 21 Episode 31 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Tommy used the Power of Veto on Christie as expected. Michie named Cliff the replacement nominee.

Tommy said with all his other allies gone, he had to use the Power of Veto on Christie. If this was earlier in the game, he would’ve worried that if he used the PoV on Christie, people would’ve realized their connection.

Michie said he nominated Cliff as a pawn. Jessica is still his target. Jessica was the last remaining wild card in the house and the pairs would remain once she was gone. Michie was hoping the pairings of Tommy and Christie and Cliff and Nicole would take shots at each other while he and Holly played in the background.

Jessica hated still being nominated. She felt it was very difficult to how to figure out a way to stay in the game when she loved everyone in the house.

Cliff was hoping that his nomination would throw off suspicion that he and Nicole were working with Michie and Holly. Cliff didn’t think he was the target this week but if that was the case, then he was being played by everyone.

Christie was thankful to Tommy and the universe for having her back. She hoped there was a way that she and Tommy could flip the vote and send Cliff to jury instead of Jessica. Christie felt Cliff was the biggest threat to her winning besides Michie and she wanted to take a shot at Michie next week.

Hopefully the double eviction tonight will be better than last night’s crap fest was.