25 Days of Dean-mas Day 17: Best Jensen Ackles moments on Supernatural in 2019

Supernatural -- "Proverbs 17:3" -- Image Number: SN1505A_0503b.jpg -- Pictured: Jensen Ackles as Dean -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Supernatural -- "Proverbs 17:3" -- Image Number: SN1505A_0503b.jpg -- Pictured: Jensen Ackles as Dean -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /
Supernatural — “Golden Time” — Image Number: SN1506b_0227b.jpg — Pictured: Jensen Ackles as Dean — Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

Supernatural saw some excellent Jensen Ackles moments throughout both Season 14 and Season 15. Here are the 10 best moments from 2019.

Jensen Ackles routinely proves why he is a necessary part of the SPN Family in his performances in Supernatural. During 2019, we saw some standout performances, covering both Season 14 and Season 15. It’s time to break those performances down.

For Day 17 of the 25 Days of Dean-mas, we’re looking at the Top 10 Jensen Ackles moments. These are where Ackles showed us his stuff, proving that he’s an actor to watch. They’re not necessarily Dean’s best or strongest moments on the show.

If you do want to look at what we believe are Dean’s best moments, you can check out our previous Dean-mas post about that. And we will have Sam/Jared and Castiel/Misha moments coming up very soon to see in the end of the year.

These moments will only come from the 2019 episodes. That means from Season 14, Episode 10, titled “Nihilism” all the way to the Supernatural Season 15 fall finale. If you’re not caught up with the full current season, there will be spoilers in this post. Consider this your only warning, and you can check out the entire Dean-mas schedule to find something that is spoiler-free.

Without further adieux, here are Jensen Ackles’ best performances on Supernatural in 2019.

Supernatural — “Ouroboros” — Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

10. Playing Michael!Dean

I’m sort of cheating here. After all, Michael!Dean was a part of the 2018 episodes, as well as the 2019 episodes. However, it was still a strong part of Season 14 after Episode 10. We had Michael in control in the bunker, as Sam and Castiel figured a way to get Dean back.

Inside Dean’s head, we got to see Michael vs. Dean. This was an outstanding moment. It’s not often that we get to see the same actor go up against his own character. It takes a lot of skill to pull something like that off.

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9. Fearing for Sammy

After Sam killed Rowena so she could sacrifice herself to save the world, he went into a state of grief. He knew he had to do it, but that doesn’t make the losses any easier. You could tell, even without pretending the bacon was vegan bacon, that Dean was worried about his little brother.

Jensen has this knack with Dean of making it look like he doesn’t care when deeply he does. There are just a few looks here and there full of concern. Mostly, they happen when Sam’s back is turned, but we can see as the audience that Dean is worried. During the “meat man” scene, this is one of my favorite elements and makes it a stand-out performance for Ackles.

Supernatural — “Proverbs 17:3” — Image Number: SN1505A_0600b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Jared Padalecki as Sam and Jensen Ackles as Dean — Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

8. Portraying the different worlds

Throughout Season 15, we’ve watched various worlds take place. There have been the “what could have been” moments, with Dean controlled by the Mark of Cain killing Sam and Dean being killed by Demon Blood Sam and Samifer.

These moments showed us the ending that God wants. It’s all about two brothers. But these moments also showed off Jensen’s skills. You could see the differences in the characters, and not just from the facial hair! There was a darkness in his eyes when he was under the control of the first blade and he had that sadness as he realized he couldn’t win against Demon Blood Sam.

It’s not easy to show different versions of a character in such a short space of time, but Jensen Ackles has managed it more than once.

Related Story. 5 best Jensen Ackles moments in Supernatural Season 14. light

7. Conflict over Jack

I know the Supernatural Season 14 finale isn’t a favorite for many. I, however, like that Dean’s character remained consistent. He would do what he believed was necessary to protect the world and then back out of it at the last minute. Just look at when he almost killed Sam but he killed Death instead!

Jensen Ackles showed off the conflict in killing Jack perfectly in the end. We saw the side of him that viewed Jack as a son but the side that wanted vengeance and wanted to get rid of a soulless nephilim from the world. Nothing had to be said when he can show it all through his eyes.

Supernatural — “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven” — Image Number: SN1508A_0002b.jpg — Pictured: Jake Abel as Adam/Michael — Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

6. Admitting to liking the life

This is one of my favorite Dean moments, but it’s also one of my favorite Jensen Ackles moments. When talking to the young girl we find out is Lilith, he talks about why he still likes the life. There may be darkness, but there’s good in the world of hunting.

And there’s a look of serenity and peace on Dean’s face. Ackles manages to portray so many emotions with his words. The facial expressions make it possible to believe that Dean genuinely loves the hunter life and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

5. Apologizing to Adam

At the very end of the Supernatural Season 15 fall finale, Dean gets the chance to apologize to Adam. It’s one of my favorite Dean moments, but it also stands out as one of my favorite Jensen moments. We see the pain in leaving Adam behind, and the need for forgiveness from the half-brother he didn’t even really know.

There’s a look of sadness, and this look of needing Adam to be happy in the world. He just wants Adam to have the life he deserves and hates that he can’t offer that. At least, that’s everything I got just from facial expressions.

Supernatural — “Last Call” — Image Number: SN1507b_0440b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Christian Kane as Lee Webb and Jensen Ackles as Dean — Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Supernatural — “Last Call” — Image Number: SN1507b_0440b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Christian Kane as Lee Webb and Jensen Ackles as Dean — Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

4. The goodbye tour

After locking Michael in his head, Dean knew there was only one thing that he could now do. He would have to sacrifice his life in the Mal’ak box to keep the archangel contained forever. It would be torture and he was scared to do it, but it was necessary. Before that, he headed out on his goodbye tour.

We got to see him with Donna and then with Mary. Jensen portrayed all these emotions as he tried to hide what he was really up to. He showed the happiness and the wish that things could have been different. There was so much to say and so little time to say it, and you could sense that regret in his performance.

Related Story. 5 best Dean moments in Supernatural Season 14. light

3. Singing on stage

I love it when we get to see Dean happy and carefree. Even if this moment was inconsistent with everything we know about Dean’s singing abilities, I still loved it. And it was certainly a top Jensen Ackles moment from Supernatural in 2019.

Ackles got to take to the stage with his long-time friend Christian Kane. They performed a great song together, and you could easily believe that the two were hunter friends in years gone by. I wish the episode didn’t end the way it did, but at least we have this moment on the stage.

SUpernatural Season 14, Episode 14
Supernatural — “Ouroboros” — Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

2. Realizing Michael had left

There’s one moment in Supernatural Season 14 that always gives me chills. After being knocked out, Dean wakes screaming. He’s throwing things around, shouting about how “he’s gone.” And he means Michael. The archangel has broken out of the fridge in the bar; out of the cage.

Jensen Ackles’ performance in this scene gives me chills. It’s not a happy moment for Dean, but it’s a moment that shows off Ackles’ acting skills so beautifully. We can feel that fear, that anger, and that need to find Michael before it’s too late.

1. Fear of God

Finally, we’re back to Season 15. After initially thinking that God is gone, the Winchesters learn from Lilith that God is around and he wants to end everything. It needs to be brother against brother for God. He’ll have it no other way.

And so starts this downward cycle for Dean. He’s terrified, and you can see it in the speech to Sam. Just how can they go up against God? Even if they could kill him without destroying the universe, how could they possibly manage it? This is the All-Mighty. It’s a terrifying thought and that shines through Jensen Ackles’ performance.

Next. 11 dream crossovers with Supernatural we'd love to see. dark

What are your favorite Ackles moments throughout Supernatural in 2019? Which performances stand out the most? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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