Dr. Pimple Popper Season 4, Episode 4: Burst to worst


Dr. Pimple Popper has chest bumps, a repeat customer with a bump on his back, and a shoulder issue that could be life-threatening.

How can Dr. Pimple Popper get much better? Well, last episode had a Popeye shoulder filled with raw chicken. And who could forget the guy with the softball on his forehead? No juices were flowing, but it was pretty gross and entertaining all things considered.

The three cases this episode don’t look like they’ll live up to the hype of the previous three. We can hope, however, that there will be some explosions in Dr. Lee’s office. Here’s the rundown from burst to worst.

Reed’s bumps

Who doesn’t hate zits? Well, Reed has over 100 of them on his chest, and they’re everywhere. He pops them, but some grow large enough to need removal with cutting/picking. Reed’s confidence is shaken, despite having a girlfriend and a definite Napoleon Dynamite vibe. Gosh!

Reed’s favorite animal is a liger, which is a lion and a tiger bred for skills and magic. His magic has allowed him to self-diagnose some steatocystomas. Each removal is a lip-snarling little squeeze of honey mustard erupting from his skin. Honestly though, it’s just zit popping.

Inoke’s softball shoulder

He first noticed when it was just a bit smaller than a golf ball. Five years later and it’s big enough that he needs half a bra to keep it from sagging. Either that or this is the sequel to Total Recall that we all deserve is finally here…and I’m not talking about that garbage remake with Colin Farrell. Maybe Inoke just has another Kuato?

Honestly though, any veteran of the show already thinks it’s a lipoma. Anesthetic and a huge slice through the skin, then it’s time to get down to business. Until Inoke rolls on his side it’s not apparent this thing is the same size as his head, but it definitely is.

She starts pulling and tugging, making squelching sounds. A few seconds later and it looks like she has removed his brain via the shoulder joint. WTF. It’s obviously a huge weight off his shoulders. Ba-Dum-Cha!!

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Delano is such a sad case.

Delano is a rare, repeat customer. He was having a very difficult time with a huge bump on his shoulder. Dr. Lee removed about a liter of Mt. Dew, or urine, or some other horrible, yellow fluid. Dr. Lee diagnosed it as a lymphangioma previously. She previously said she couldn’t remove it.

As it turns out, lymphangiomas are relative mysteries because of an out-of-whack lymphatic system, and the cause is not exactly known. Delano requires surgery. Thankfully, Dr. Lee found a colleague who will do the extraction surgery forever.

dark. Next. Dr. Pimple Popper and the raw chicken extraction

As always, plan intermittent fasting or a late dinner next Thursday. Dr. Pimple Popper returns to TLC for some more mystery body liquids.