Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 5 Recap: The 1st Person Evicted Is…..

Big Brother Canada Season 8 houseguest Micheal Stubley.. Image Courtesy Corus/Global TV
Big Brother Canada Season 8 houseguest Micheal Stubley.. Image Courtesy Corus/Global TV

The first eviction episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother 8 Episode 5.

A brand new episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 5 and the first eviction.

In the previous episode, romance was in the air with Minh-Ly Nguyen Cao and Jamar Lee as well as Micheal Stubley and Madeline Di Nunzio. Minh-Ly came up with a plan to throw The Evictors off the scent by making herself the decoy target, which everyone (except perhaps Madeline) bought hook, line, and sinker. In a tough physical competition, Hira Deol came out on top and won the Power of Veto to save himself that week. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Hira used the Power of Veto to save himself and The Evictors were blindsided when Micheal was named the replacement nominee.

For tonight’s episode, there was be an empty audience for the eviction due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) fears. However, we will still get to see what goes on inside the house.

Events that took place include fallout from the POV ceremony, last-minute scrambling prior to the eviction, a competition where people were awarded a prize from one of the show’s sponsors, the eviction, and the beginning of the Head of Household competition.

Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 5 Begins

Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 5 began with host Arisa Cox coming on screen to give viewers an idea of what was going on tonight. Then, the show launched into a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. After the recap, Arisa came back on screen to inform viewers that there would be no live audience due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) fears. Then, Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 5 began where Episode 4 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

Power of Veto ceremony and Pre-Live Eviction

The Evictors alliance (John Luke Kieper, Rianne Swanson, Micheal, and Madeline) were furious at Chris for what they perceived as a betrayal on his end. Madeline was upset with herself in addition to Chris. Privately, Chris was pleased with himself for all the chaos he caused.

Brooke and Micheal got into an argument, where Angie Tackie stood up for Brooke. Madeline, John Luke, and Micheal all took turns lashing out at Chris over the betrayal. During his confrontation with Chris, Micheal informed Chris that he was being played. When John Luke confronted Chris, John Luke also told Chris he was being played and John Luke learned some key information.

John Luke then confronted Kyle Rozendal with what he learned from Chris and implied he felt someone else was behind the plan to backdoor MIcheal. Kyle continued to lie that he had no knowledge of the plan and told John Luke if the votes were there, he would vote to keep Micheal.

Chris then informed the houseguests that there would be a special competition. They had to hang out at the hot tub and enjoy summer all day. The catch was it was 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit) in the hot tub area and raining. If you left for any reason, you could not return. The last four remaining would win a special reward from Summer Fresh.

The competition came down to Chris, John Luke, Hira, Angie, Vanessa Clements, Carol Rosher, Susanne Fuda, and Micheal. Since nobody was budging, the reward came down to a water balloon toss competition. The teams for the water balloon toss were Angie and John Luke, Susanne and Chris, Hira and Micheal as well as Vanessa and Carol.

Angie, John Luke, Micheal, and Hira won the reward and earned a barbecue. During the barbecue, Micheal and John Luke campaigned for votes to keep Micheal.

Even though she knew she had Kyle, Vanessa, and Sheldon in her corner, Brooke still campaigned for her safety in the game to Kyle. Unbeknownst to them, Minh-Ly was listening in on their conversation and gained knowledge of their alliance. Armed with this new information, Minh-Ly was able to convince Micheal to do her dirty work and call out Kyle on his lies and an argument ensued between the two.


During his speech, Micheal revealed the secret he had kept (for the most part) about his military service. Then, Micheal became the 1st person evicted from Big Brother Canada 8 in a 9-3 vote. John Luke, Madeline, and Rianne were the only votes to keep him. On his way out the door, Micheal got his first kiss with Madeline, who wanted Micheal to call her.

HOH Competition

For the new HOH Competition, on “go”, houseguests would slip n’ slide into the ball pit. Once in the ball pit, the houseguests had to search for yellow balls. They took the yellow balls one at a time and placed them in the tube of the houseguest of their choice (it could not be themselves). If you got 10 balls in your tube, you were eliminated. The last houseguest remaining would be HOH while the first four eliminated would be have-nots.

As outgoing HOH, Chris was ineligible to compete. The HOH was not shown in its entirety, but we will see the conclusion on Sunday’s episode. In what we saw of the competition, The Evictors were targeted heavily, especially Madeline.

Tune in to Big Brother Canada 8 Sunday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins HOH and who is nominated for eviction!