Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 7 Recap: The Calm Before the Storm

Big Brother Canada Season 8 houseguest Madeline Di Nunzio.. Image Courtesy Corus/Global TV
Big Brother Canada Season 8 houseguest Madeline Di Nunzio.. Image Courtesy Corus/Global TV

A brand-new episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 7.

In the previous episode, Sheldon Jean won HOH. Madeline Di Nunzio and Rianne Swanson felt like outsiders. Jamar Lee and Minh-Ly Nguyen Cao’s relationship grew weirder. The KVBS alliance tried to spread their wings and the evictors tried to save themselves. Kyle Rozendal and Minh-Ly’s names were thrown out as possible nominees. In the end, it was Madeline and Rianne who were nominated for eviction.

In tonight’s episode, the Power of Veto competition and Power of Veto ceremony were the main events. The Veto comp also came with a twist. We also saw the typical pre and post veto strategizing.

Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 7 Begins

Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 7 began the same way all episodes do: with a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. After the recap, Episode 7 began where Episode 6 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.

Nomination Ceremony Fallout and Pre POV

Sheldon felt this was a great week to be HOH because he needed to be in power at some point and there were easy targets. However, he did feel Rianne was a big threat because she was well off socially. Jamar was unhappy with the nominations as he had wanted Kyle on the block and Sheldon tried to calm him down.

Rianne tried to talk to Brooke Warnock as she felt Brooke was controlling Sheldon’s HOH. Rianne tried to plead for her safety, but Brooke felt that Rianne was lying. Vanessa Clements pitched to Minh-Ly that Rianne needed to be evicted and Minh-Ly agreed. Their conversation was interrupted by Jamar.

Angie Tackie felt it made no sense for Sheldon’s game that Madeline and Rianne were nominated. Rianne was upset that John Luke Kieper was getting off scotch free and Angie tried to throw him under the bus. However, Madeline felt it wasn’t a good idea to turn on John Luke.

There was a twist to this week’s POV Competition. The 5 players would still be picked as usual. However, they would be playing in partners. The winning team would be safe for the week. Only the nominees and 3 people selected by random draw could win the POV. Those selected to compete with them would be ineligible to be named the replacement nominee.

Madeline chose John Luke to be her partner. Rianne chose Hira Deol to be her partner. Brooke, Minh-Ly, and Chris Wyllie were selected by random draw. Brooke picked Susanne Fuda to be her partner, Minh-Ly chose Vanessa, and Chris chose Kyle. Carol Rosher was chosen to host the competition.

Sheldon asked his allies Kyle and Vanessa to throw the POV Competition. Vanessa was not happy with Sheldon asking her to do that because she is a competitor. Vanessa then ran the information to Minh-Ly. Minh-Ly then relayed this information to Carol and Hira. Carol then told Kyle the information that Minh-Ly relayed to her. Kyle then ran the information to Brooke and Sheldon, causing Brooke, Sheldon, and Kyle to distrust Vanessa.

The KVBS alliance then grilled Vanessa on what they had been told. Vanessa denied the accusations and pushed the blame on Minh-Ly. This caused the entire KVBS alliance to distrust Minh-Ly.

Power of Veto Competition

For the POV Competition, the pairs would have to transport 50 balls (one at a time) from their punch bowl across the dance floor, to their glass at the end of the bleachers. The catch was, they could only use their faces to transport the balls. They would also have to catch their ball while it was floating in the air. Madeline and John Luke won the competition. This meant Madeline received the POV and John Luke would be immune for the rest of the week.

Post Veto

Rianne was disappointed she didn’t win the Veto. However, she had hope that all three of the remaining evictors could make it to the next week since Madeline won and John Luke was now immune. Madeline celebrated her Veto win in private.

Brooke and Sheldon strategized on who should be the replacement nominee. Sheldon wanted Minh-Ly as the replacement nominee and the person evicted this week. Brooke was still scared of Rianne and suggested naming Susanne the replacement nominee.

Minh-Ly then talked to Sheldon about the game. Sheldon told Minh-Ly he felt that Minh-Ly being nominated would not affect his game. Sheldon then told Jamar that Minh-Ly would be the person evicted. Jamar then talked to Minh-Ly but didn’t tell her of Sheldon’s plan but did tell her that Sheldon didn’t like her.

Madeline and Rianne then talked in the black and white room. Rianne told Madeline about what Sheldon had told her before the nomination ceremony and the two started to see through his game.

Minh-Ly then confronted Sheldon in the HOH room. Sheldon told Minh-Ly straight up that he didn’t trust her and was thinking about nominating her for eviction and letting the house vote. Minh-Ly was upset with Sheldon for nominating her. Minh-Ly tried in vain to convince Sheldon to make a big move.

POV Ceremony

At the POV ceremony, Madeline used the POV to save herself as expected. Since Madeline used the POV on herself, a replacement nominee was needed. Sheldon chose to name Minh-Ly the replacement nominee. Jamar was visibly upset with Sheldon for nominating Minh-Ly.

Tune in tonight at 8 pm eastern to see the events that led to Jamar Lee’s expulsion from the Big Brother Canada house.