The doctors of Chastain had time for one hail Mary pass on The Resident Season 4. How did they manage to save the hospital from closure?
It was never going to be easy, and the future isn’t going to be all that easy after the save. However, Bell, Conrad, Mina, and others all realized that they needed to do something to save the hospital. Even Conrad’s dad agreed that Atlanta needs Chastain to remain open and fully functioning.
There aren’t enough ICU beds in the hospitals without Chastain. There isn’t enough space for all patients who will need help, with queues out of the emergency room door at other hospitals because Chastain closed.
So, what did the doctors do? Did they pool their money together like Grey’s Anatomy? Nope! Instead, they turned to a former patient at the hospital for help.
Chastain has gone public on The Resident Season 4
The hospital is going to lead the change in universal health care. It’s taken a leaf out of New Amsterdam’s book, although it was a hospital in Miami that was mentioned instead of the New York-based one. The hospital is now a public one.
That patient Bell and others turned to was the senator. The local government has bought the hospital, meaning that it is 100% publically run.
It does mean the local government has had to absorb the debts of the hospital, but there’s a way they can make that work. Now it will be a place run by the doctors. And they can help to make some money back, although they will need to turn to forms of medicine that bring in the money.
There is the downside of them having to accept all patients that walk through the door regardless of insurance. That would never have sat well with Bell from the first season, but he’s come a long way since then. It will sit well with other doctors and nurses at the hospital, and there is the potential for balance while doing good.
It was certainly a hail Mary, but so far so good. Chastain is back open for patients.
What did you think of the hail Mary pass on The Resident? What trouble will Chastain run into now? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
The Resident airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on FOX. Catch up the following day on Hulu.