Can’t get enough of The Office? Surely no one can blame you for that. Thanks to one buzz-worthy account on Instagram, we’re officially certain there’s no such thing as “too much” when it comes to seeing our favorite Dunder Mifflinites in action, especially in scenes that never aired.
Now, we can do way more than just binge season after season–even though that arguably never gets old. Whenever we need a fix, we can watch what might’ve been while the show was in its heyday, clip after clip. For those who’ve yet to stumble upon it, this popular Instagram account is dedicated to the best deleted scenes from the NBC mega-hit.
If you think the show couldn’t get any funnier, these time-capsuled clips are proof that The Office definitely always can and will give us more laughs (and top-notch iconic improvisation techniques) when we expect them least.
In 2021, it’s fun looking back and watching how hard it was for so many talented actors to maintain composure on set during the show’s epic nine-season run. And it’s just as entertaining to think about how and why some of these hilarious (and hilariously awkward) scenes were scrapped before ever airing.
Currently, the fan-favorite account has 392 must-see posts, a growing buzz, and some hilarious highlights to boot. @TheOfficeDeletedScenes is up to an impressive 113,000 followers and counting. I’m sure it goes without saying, if you love The Office but haven’t watched these best of the best deleted scenes yet, you are seriously missing out, my friend.
You can check out the full account here.
Still craving more scenes from The Office that never aired? Fair enough. Do yourself a favor and watch the full-length version of Michael Scott’s famous movie Threat Level Midnight. It’s everything we hoped it would be. And then some!