The 10 best (and worst) movie Santas

THE SANTA CLAUSE - Tim Allen provides answers -- warm and funny answers -- to some of the world's most vexing questions: How can Santa come down your chimney if you don't have a fireplace? How does he get to every house in the world in just one night? And how do you get a job like that, anyway? (DISNEY/ATTILA DORY)WENDY CREWSON, ERIC LLOYD, TIM ALLEN
THE SANTA CLAUSE - Tim Allen provides answers -- warm and funny answers -- to some of the world's most vexing questions: How can Santa come down your chimney if you don't have a fireplace? How does he get to every house in the world in just one night? And how do you get a job like that, anyway? (DISNEY/ATTILA DORY)WENDY CREWSON, ERIC LLOYD, TIM ALLEN /
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Worst: Mel Gibson (Fatman)

Honestly, who thought this was ever going to be a good idea? I am sure there is some ironic fun to this movie for some people, but truthfully it is just problematic from top to bottom.

First off, in this film changes Kris Kringle to Chris Cringle. That alone is already such a poor start for any Santa. Second off, there is a massive subplot involving Cringle’s work with the United States Government – because what does everyone want in their Christmas movies? A political tie in! And, let’s not forget the spoiled rich kid who, after receiving a lump of coal for Christmas, does what any normal spoiled rich kid would do int his situation; he hires his personal hitman to find and kill Cringle. If all of this wasn’t enough to sway you, the Cringle in this movie is played by none other than Mel Gibson.

I don’t know about any of y’all, but I would personally enjoy it if my Santa’s weren’t gun wielding, repulsive, problematic people. I like my Santa’s with some bit of charm and magic to them. I guess the film achieves what it is going for though. I mean film is labeled as a “dark comedy.” There might be some genuinely fun moments for some people who want to see the jolly old elf in a different light, but for me, this “Fatman” just doesn’t cut it.