Why a Star Wars reboot is inevitable

Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd. via IMG Press
Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd. via IMG Press /

We all know that Star Wars, at this point, is a ubiquitous property that won’t be going away anytime soon, if ever. It has amassed a billion-dollar empire and crafted a beautiful story of the Skywalker saga that remains iconic.

I have talked before about how Star Wars has had its ups and downs, and about its plethora of film and television content. It certainly has become a sight to behold. However, can the series last forever? It seems with so many convoluted plot lines and characters, Disney may just end up rebooting the franchise to start anew — here’s why.

Star Wars characters and actors will die out

What seems very obvious is the fact that characters of the series are dying out and the actors of the saga are not going to live forever. It’s plain to see that studios (specifically Disney) are getting newer and fresher blood for new films. However, that can only work for so long. Eventually, fans will get tired of the same schlock that Disney continuously conjures up and will have to jump start the franchise completely new.

It will get tiring when people see the same plot points and different characters that nobody asked to see in the first place. Disney might just pull the plug and reboot the series anew with a fresh canvas.

New Star Wars generational needs

With a growing number of Gen-Z’ers and younger audience members consuming the everlasting Star Wars products, it becomes obvious within the fanbase that the fandom and tastes of the fans change over time. It can be hard to keep up with the needs of the fans and it is harder to adapt to a fanbase that is ever-changing.

What was best suited for a 1970s and 80s audience probably won’t be the same today and what is suited for people presently won’t be the same twenty years from now. The need for the saga to adapt for new generations and new fans may cause more problems in trying to appease said fans. It’s hard enough to make a cohesive universe, but trying to please fans of all ages may result in a hodgepodge of galaxy madness, which is why it would make sense for Disney to start over completely, rebooting the series.

Star Wars will suffer from overcomplicated continuity

If nobody else has noticed, Star Wars is incredibly complicated, with the films, tv shows and comic-books rolled up into one universe. Fans would need to watch hours and hours worth of content to comprehend what is going on in the universe. That includes reading the comics to better understand the characters, as well.

Over-saturating the market with Star Wars content isn’t the best idea since many people have forgotten the motivations and backgrounds of many of the lesser-known characters. It will come across as exhausting to try and keep up with everything, which is why Disney will, predictably, go in another direction for the saga and reboot it.

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