The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Nov. 8): Hope has a secret

Annika Noelle of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS
Annika Noelle of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS /

As yesterday’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful showed, Liam had every right to be concerned about Thomas and Hope’s growing connection. The lead designer leaned in for a kiss and, though Hope stopped him before their lips could touch, his actions have birthed a new problem in their lives.

Hope was clear that she’s married and committed to Liam. She double downed on that sentiment today, emphasizing that she and Thomas can’t be a couple. While she did work to save Thomas as much heartache as she could, Hope didn’t mince words. The issue now, however, is that this almost kiss will hang over her and Liam’s relationship and so will her guilt over keeping it a secret.

Though, I should also acknowledge that Thomas making his feelings known physically was only the logical next step to all the grand speeches he’d been giving Hope up until this moment. They’d shared a wonderful day and evening together full of celebration and success. He had nothing but compliments for her as well as love declarations. In hindsight, Thomas taking this opportunity to shoot his shot seems inevitable.

Doing so, however, has rocked the boat in ways Hope is only beginning to feel. Here’s what happened today on our soap!

The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Nov. 8)

Hope and Thomas hashed the near kiss out. Thomas backpedaled as best he could once she shut down any possibility of the two of them being together as a couple. But Hope did admit that they’re more than co-workers and co-parents, they’re friends. She assured him that she cares about him but that’s as far as their connection goes.

For his part, Thomas tried to explain that he got caught up in the moment. They’d had such a good day and were riding high on the success of the preview. The celebration the family through for them got to him as did their time with Douglas and all the time they’ve spent together as well. He acknowledged that he shouldn’t have tried to kiss her and that it was a mistake.

Hope told him that she can’t be who he wants but, choosing honesty, Thomas told her that she already is. That’s the problem. I’d argue though that their issue is also proximity. They’ve been in each other’s pockets.

If they aren’t working together at Forrester Creations, they’re hanging out at the mansion with Douglas and occasionally Beth. Hope is seeing more of her work husband than her actual spouse and she is at fault for that because there’s nothing that says she has to be. She’s choosing to be in a situation that necessitates closeness with Thomas and she’s not trying to rectify that, in fact, she’s enjoying it.

After Thomas was firmly put in his place and he apologized, Hope went back to being lowkey flirty with him and you could see how fond she is of him. She’s also careful about his feelings and mentioned that she didn’t want to hurt him but Liam’s the man for her. Hope did want Thomas to be honest about what he can handle.

This slip up could be forecasting a coming obsessive spiral, and she wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case. Thomas told her that it wasn’t, but he also got Hope to agree not to tell Liam or Brooke about what happened. Doing so could upend the balance they’ve found with Douglas and their relationship. Neither of them want that so she agreed before going home.

Hope walking through the door of the cabin was a relief to Liam. Earlier in the episode he’d called Wyatt in a panic to see if he could watch Beth for him. Liam’s plan was to go over to the mansion to check on Hope. But, once he saw her in one piece, the weight of his worries fell from his shoulders.

Liam apologized for missing the preview and congratulated Hope on its success. He even told her that he intended to wish her luck but saw her having a moment with Thomas and had a negative reaction to it so he left. His explanation hinged on his thoughts getting away from him the same way they did while he waited for her to come home.

Hope let him off the hook about the whole thing and said she understood where Liam was coming from considering he’d seen that exchange. If Thomas hadn’t made a move on her, I doubt Hope would have been that forgiving about Liam’s actions, but she’s carrying guilt so she let him off easy.

While it’s true that Hope doesn’t have romantic feelings for Thomas, she is allowing her relationship with him to disrupt her marriage. Now she’s holding a major secret that’s certain to blow up in her face if Liam finds out. He told her that Thomas would eventually show his true colors to her and then she’d see what Liam has been warning her about. But Thomas already did that and Hope isn’t severing their relationship.

The boundaries she put up aren’t likely to preclude her from continuing to spend the night at Forrester Mansion or most of her time with him. It didn’t even seem like the weekend staycation with Douglas and Beth was off the table either. So really Hope is playing with fire and she’s going to get burned.

It’s unclear, however, if she’s going to feel the sting of her own choices before the truth comes out about the CPS call or afterward. Once again Brooke and Ridge had a cyclical conversation about their marriage being at death’s door, but Ridge still didn’t disclose why he’s leaving Brooke. It’s obvious that he still loves her even though he’s chosen to move on with Taylor so something has to give there, and I believe that’s the truth being dragged into the light.

Time will tell, but for now we’ll probably be treated to several more brokenhearted conversations between the soon-to-be annulled pair, whether at Forrester Creations like today or elsewhere, until progress is made on that particular plot point.

Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!

Next. The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers (Nov. 7-11). dark

Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage! New episodes of the soap air Mondays-Fridays on CBS. Evening viewing is available on Paramount+.