The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Dec. 13): Deacon deletes the security footage

Sean Kanan of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS
Sean Kanan of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS /

Never let it be said that Deacon isn’t in Sheila’s corner. As much as he’s grumbled about the pinch she put him in by making him an accessory after the fact to her faked death, he’s done nothing but try to help her this entire time. Deacon keeps putting his neck on the line for Sheila and his actions on Dec. 13’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful was a shining example.

On Monday, he’d called her in a panic when he was supposed to be looking over security footage for Steffy and Finn (Sinn), but the soap didn’t circle back to the reason he’d left the two at the bar before the episode ended. It did so on Dec. 13 with Deacon once again calling his friend when he really shouldn’t be considering if he’s caught they’re definitely going to check his phone logs. But he called her to ask where she’d bumped into Steffy.

Once she relayed her location at the time, Deacon found a disguised Sheila on the footage clear as day in black and white. Sure, her face was mostly obscured by her wig and the angle wasn’t that great, but it was still too risky to leave that moment on the restaurant’s tape. So, she urged Deacon to delete the footage and, after hesitating for a second, he did so. Now all the police have to go on is Steffy’s recount of events and it seemed like Detective Baker was skeptical.

Here’s the full recap of events.

What happened today on The Bold and the Beautiful?

As Sinn waited for Deacon to come back with his findings, the two consoled one another. Once again, Finn apologized for bringing Sheila back into their lives when he’d vowed to keep Steffy and their children safe. Guilt is definitely hanging over his head, but none of this is his fault.

When Detective Baker arrived, he took Steffy’s statement but he didn’t give any indication that he’s fully onboard the ‘Sheila is alive’ train especially after hearing how quick the interaction between the two women was. Though we know that was Sheila, and Finn believes her, from an outside perspective all Steffy saw was a woman that she says was wearing a disguise that she encountered briefly after bumping into her. She noticed the missing toe and was overcome. Yes, she said Sheila’s name, but the woman fled the scene.

Without something more concrete, the authorities will be acting on caution rather than anything resembling facts. Sinn were hoping that Deacon had found Sheila on the footage but when they, along with Baker, went to his apartment to inquire about what he found, Deacon said he couldn’t find the incident.

His half-done lie was flimsy, but did seem plausible. Spotty Wi-Fi can cause holes in security footage. It’s rather convenient that the Wi-Fi dropped out at such an opportune time for Sheila, but Deacon’s thinking on his feet and doing the best he can, so more power to him because he’s going to need it.

Steffy, of course, didn’t like hearing there was nothing to back up her claims. She snapped at Deacon, asserting that she did see Sheila even though he didn’t refute that she did. Likely, this had more to do with the real possibility that her nemesis could get away. She rightly didn’t chase after the woman this time. As the soap keeps reminding us that didn’t work out well for Steffy or Finn before. So, she’s depending on the police and hired security to keep their family safe.

If they drop the investigation due to insufficient evidence, that’d be exactly what Sheila needs to make her escape (or circle back since she doesn’t really want to leave Los Angeles). Finn had told the authorities to be aware that Sheila is armed. It was an alarming statement since we’ve yet to see Sheila with a weapon but she was carrying a gun before hence the shooting that nearly claimed Sinn’s lives, so again everyone is operating with an abundance of caution.

At least the right people were worried…for most of the episode. At Forrester Creations, Hope was being assured once more about this turn of events, this time by Brooke. Considering what Sheila has done to her mother, Hope should have been the one comforting her not the other way around. Still, their conversation traversed concern about the dangers of Sheila being alive before less than smoothly transitioning to how Brooke’s doing with Ridge being gone.

We were treated to the same spiel about him taking time, little on whether the two have been in contact, and Brooke reiterating that she’s no longer going to do the back and forth with Ridge going between her and Taylor. I need this man to come back to town so this story can progress.

Speaking of progressing stories, Sinn wasted no time on filling Brooke and Hope in on the fact that Steffy bumped into Sheila which popped Hope’s bubble of…well, hope haha, that they were mistaken. Deacon was also moving with haste. His friend, who happens to be the bartender at the restaurant, popped by to check on him and found Deacon packing.

Yes, that’s right, he’s getting out of dodge. The story he spun this time was that he was going to Italy to get backers for his plans for Il Giardino now that it’s being sold. He plans to open Deacon’s Place and wants to keep all the staff on but in order to realize his dream he has to leave for a bit to get capital. We’ll see if this story becomes a reality, it’ll be fun to see Deacon in his element again.

We’re still standing by for Sheila’s next move, but she keeps telling Deacon she’s not going to get caught. I’m eager to know her plans. Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!

Next. The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers (Dec. 12-16): Sheila's on the run. dark

Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage! New episodes of the soap air Mondays-Fridays on CBS. Evening viewing is available on Paramount+.