The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Feb. 3): Brooke vows to protect Taylor

Katherine Kelly Lang of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS
Katherine Kelly Lang of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS /

There may be a battle of wills brewing on The Bold and the Beautiful. Today on the soap, Brooke and Steffy made separate vows to protect Taylor. But said woman seems like she’s only one more guilt spiral away from turning herself in regardless of their feelings on the matter. And Katie may just be on her side when it comes to that compulsion, she and her sister did not agree on the best action to take in the face of this blackmail.

While there were no dust ups over it…yet, this could be a set-up for a plot point in the near future that sees Brooke and Katie at odds when it comes to Taylor’s fate and whether she should be held accountable for shooting Bill. That is, of course, if a piece of information about Sheila doesn’t come to light that they can use in their favor.

Remember, Sheila and Deacon’s friendship is still in the shadows and the two intend to keep it that way. But with Sheila paying Il Giardino a visit once again, Deacon’s jealousy still very apparent, and Sheila putting Katie on notice, something is going to have to give in this blackmail plot that’s also got a tense romantic element in its construction.

For now, however, the only thing that’s been thrown is words. We’ll have to wait and see if a gauntlet gets thrown next. Here’s the full recap of events from this episode.

What happened today on The Bold and the Beautiful?

Katie couldn’t wait to carry her fury about Taylor shooting Bill to Brooke. In fact, she ignored her sister’s text saying she’d meet her in the main house and came down to the cabin instead. In the face of her anger, Brooke calmly stood her ground and defended Taylor.

She explained that Taylor wasn’t in her right mind when she nearly killed Bill. At the time, her friend had thought her daughter had been violated by him. So, while Brooke acknowledges that Will could have lost his dad in the ordeal, her heartbreaks over the guilt Taylor has been carrying and she understands as a mother, and a friend, what she must be struggling with.

Brooke’s response had Katie deflating like a balloon. All the ire she came in with dissipated as she noticed the change that’s occurred in Brooke’s relationship with Taylor. There’s genuine care there, even though as a viewers I have to say it’s still contrived, but I digress. The sisters took their conversation over to the table so they could talk about Sheila’s appearance at Forrester.

Their nemesis has become emboldened by her relationship with Bill and Katie wants desperately to be able to get him away from her. They all want to take the power Sheila has away from her but the first step in doing that could lie in Taylor turning herself in. The problem is Brooke’s not going to let that happen.

The two have been through a lot. Brooke admires Taylor, she’s found a friendship in her that she cherishes and she’s not willing to let her friend throw her life away for the possibility that it could lead to Sheila being arrested. There’s no guarantee and Bill has other tricks up his sleeve. Katie, however, is willing to entertain the idea.

She let her sister talk but the gears were turning in her head. When she suggested that this might be the right course of action, Brooke cut her off. Brooke told her that she made a vow she intends to keep. She’s going to protect Taylor and ensure she doesn’t lose what she holds dear. Given Katie’s current feelings this may mean the two are going to be clashing soon.

Related. The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Jan. 31): Taylor recounts shooting Bill. light

Steffy makes a vow to protect Taylor

At the Cliff House, Steffy was making her own vow to protect Taylor. Her mom was getting her caught up on the visit Sheila paid her and how it had gotten to her. She also shared that Brooke has been a support for her through this trying time. It’s been a lot for her carrying this guilt and having to cope with this blackmail hanging over them all.

Katie had even pointed out to Brooke how emotional Taylor had been when she told her how the shooting happened. Her sister gave her a concerned look and it was clear she should be worried because Taylor also shook Steffy up today, too. As she spiraled some more about the weight of her guilt and shame, saying how she’s a hypocrite, Taylor turned to Steffy looking determined.

She believes the only way to get them all out of this is to turn herself into the authorities. Steffy forcefully reminded her mother that doing so means that her grandchildren would be getting to know her via a jail which disturbed Taylor, but it didn’t seem to deter her even though Steffy was under the impression that it did. The two embraced, but it was obvious that Taylor’s not done with the idea that confessing could free them all. Not by a long shot.

Sheila won’t let anyone take her freedom for her

Elsewhere, at Il Giardino, Sheila was enjoying yet another slice of Deacon’s signature pizza. The two flirted a bit as they talked, but Sheila is definitely committed to Bill. Now if only she can get that through to his family. She told Deacon about her conversation with Katie which didn’t go well, but she’s not sorry for popping up like she did at Forrester Creations.

Sheila wants everyone to know that she’s not going anywhere. She’s in Bill’s life which means she’s going to be in their lives and they’re all going to have to accept that. Besides, she’s not going to let a woman like Katie warn her off, not sickeningly sweet Katie Logan, as she put it.

Deacon continued to be pessimistic about this whole situation, but he is incredibly thankful he and Sheila can talk like this, with her not behind bars and him prospering with a new business. He did, however, make a snide comment about her being Bill’s mistress that Sheila had to get straight so the ugly, green monster does still have a hold on him.

Sheila left with parting words on how she wasn’t going to let anyone take her freedom. It’s precious to her and she’s grateful to Bill for all that he’s done for her. That didn’t sit well with Deacon but at least he didn’t say anything that could get him in trouble with his friend who’s clearly aware that he has feelings for her even though she’s not reciprocating.

Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!

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Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage. New episodes are available to stream on Paramount+.