The last episode in the Kaleidoscope out-of-order watch through has come and gone with “White.” The Netflix series has brought eight episodes, each with their own story to tell while connecting dots along the way. Kaleidoscope episode 8 does so much more than highlight a robbery, it answers questions from previous chapters in this “Choose Your Own Adventure” story.
Here is the watch order in which Kaleidoscope has been analyzed on Hidden Remote:
- Chapter 1: Pink (episode 7)
- Chapter 2: Yellow (episode 2)
- Chapter 3: Violet (episode 5)
- Chapter 4: Green (episode 1)
- Chapter 5: Orange (episode 3)
- Chapter 6: Red (episode 6)
- Chapter 7: Blue (episode 4)
- Chapter 8: White (episode 8)
What does Kaleidoscope episode 8 do to fill in the blanks about Bob and RJ?

A previous episode in this watch through was “Red,” which was the morning after the heist, and it left viewers with several questions. Where is RJ? What happened to Bob to make everyone believe he was dead? Also, what happened to the money? Leo and Judy also appeared to know something about these questions, and Kaleidoscope episode 8 told us exactly what happened.
Bob, in his perfectly unlikable way, was the first falling domino to turn everything into a tailspin. If we backtrack to the very first episode in this watch through, “Pink,” Bob was out for revenge. We don’t know why, but viewers might assume the others did something to turn their backs on him. It turns out Bob is the root of his own problems, but blames everyone else for them; a classic unsavory individual.
As the team is wrapping up the heist, Bob exits early and attempts to lock the team inside the flooded vault to drown. After this happens, he convinces Judy to come with him so they can have all the spoils for themselves. As they’re about to exit, Bob continues his stellar communication skills by punching RJ to the ground. RJ in turn shoots Bob in the butt, and when he stands up to land the final gunshot, Judy shoots and kills him.
Viewers might go on and on about how Judy could continually back such a horrible person, but she is the one who kills RJ. As they throw his body into a dumpster, Stan witnesses it and then runs away as Bob starts shooting at him. As Bob attempts to find and kill Stan, Judy walks up behind him and strangles him with a crowbar. If you’re confused, I’m sure Judy’s also unsure about her life choices too.
Quick recap: Bob attempts to leave some of the crew locked in a flooded vault to die, get captured or both, then attempts to kill others before he’s finally taken down, and everyone else is the problem. Right – got it.

Follow the money in Kaleidoscope episode 8
It turns out Leo’s daughter Hannah is the genius behind the snatch and grab. Not only did she play a part to help the crew pull off the heist, she had her own backdoor plan. Hannah explains to Leo how she moved the money to launder it for clients – and she did it for him. She says, “I tried to protect you from the people you were robbing.”
Earlier in the show, Hannah tried to warn Leo about how these people he was stealing from would hunt them down and kill them. Her choice aimed to protect her father, but she made it clear she’s her own person. Hannah has to look out for herself, and ultimately, she’s able to look after her father in a way Leo wasn’t able to. His desire for revenge was so strong he couldn’t find a path to happiness where it didn’t involve payback against his former partner Roger.
Despite the outcome of where the money went, and why the heist was unsuccessful, it’s sad to realize a father and daughter’s once tight bond could not withstand the test of time. She does remember his mantra, “Now show me where you’re brave” and “Show me where you’re strong,” and it’s still wonderful to hear. These two sentences have a resounding emotional effect on both of them, as well as viewers, because it’s a reminder to how strong they once were – and it’s equally devastating to see how far they’ve fallen apart.
This series has some extremely solid performances throughout. Giancarlo Esposito as Leo and Tati Gabrielle as Hannah Kim provide incredible chemistry with genuine bonds where you hope they’ll find a way to work things out. In the end, finishing the watch through with Kaleidoscope episode 8 wraps up the series nicely, leading to sad realizations and wishing there was a happier ending for several of the characters. Except for Bob.
What did you think of Kaleidoscope episode 8? Did “White” answer questions you might’ve had throughout the series? What were you biggest takeaways from the series overall? Share your thoughts in the comments below!