What time is the movie Ghosted streaming on Apple TV+ tonight? (April 21)

Ghosted streaming April 21, 2023 on Apple TV+.
Ghosted streaming April 21, 2023 on Apple TV+. /

Chris Evans and Ana De Armas star in Ghosted, a part romcom part action movie that premieres on Apple TV+ on Friday, April 21. But since this is a streaming feature, fans are wondering what time, exactly, the movie will be available on the service. What time is the movie Ghosted streaming on Apple TV+ tonight? We’ve done the research so you don’t have to!

Now, this is not the first big feature Apple TV+ gives subscribers. The platform is home to many brilliant stories told in both film and series format. But I have to say, I was really excited about this one!

The movie sees Chris Evans take on the role of Cole, a very different character from what we are used to from the actor. In GhostedCole is a hopeless romantic who is passionate about plants and leads with his heart. Basically, he’s the perfect man, ladies! Cole is afraid of taking risks, but he just needs a little push! And in steps Sadie (Ana De Armas) to give him that shove. Sadie is a CIA agent who is all about risks.

Apple TV+ lists the release date for Ghosted as Friday, April 21, but in the world of streaming, particularly film releases, release times are never the same. Each platform has their own rules and it can also be different depending on the film or series.

What time is the movie Ghosted streaming on Apple TV+ tonight?

Ghosted will become available to stream first thing on Friday at 12 a.m. PT. Those in central time will have to wait until 2 a.m. CT, and subscribers on ET time will find the movie on Apple TV+ at 3 a.m. ET.

What time will the movie be streaming where you live? Do you plan on waiting to watch as soon as the movie drops on the service or will you save it for later on that day (or weekend)?