Hope and Thomas’ relationship may have hit a bump in the road thanks to a conversation he overheard on today’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful. At the top of the program, they’d been all smiles as they interacted in the office together looking at one of their designs which was being modeled and later talking about the progress they’ve made as a pair.
Brooke, however, got a glimpse of their bond and her hackles raised. While she didn’t let Thomas know she had a some words to share with her daughter, he did excuse himself to give the duo some privacy. As soon as he did, Hope asked her mom why she kept looking at her knowingly. Brooke answered honestly, she’s caught on to the closeness between Hope and Thomas. She mentioned that they seem to be rather attuned to each other and that there’s a particular way Hope has begun to look at him.
Though she tried to downplay it, Hope was on edge about her mother’s comments and defensive as well. She lit into Brooke, delivering a speech on all Thomas has done to be better as a person and a father. Hope trusts him and she does count him as her friend so it’s been hard hearing her mother pick at him and be skeptical or suspicious of his intentions. Finally having enough, in a moment of frustration, Hope told Brooke that it isn’t Thomas’ feelings that are an issue, it’s her own.
What happened today on The Bold and the Beautiful?
Brooke was taken aback and insisted that Hope needed to remember who Thomas is. Irritated and retreating to the position her mother would prefer to have, Hope said that she recognizes that Thomas is mentally unstable and manipulative. She’s aware nothing can happen between them and nothing ever will so she’ll go home to her husband and Brooke has nothing to worry about.
What neither woman knew was that Thomas was about to walk into the main office before he realized they were arguing. He’d just come from a talk with Liam who’d left Spencer Publications to come to Forrester after telling his brother, Wyatt, that he’d yet to look Thomas in the eye over the San Francisco trip where Thomas and Hope were nearly stranded together.
As the soap has repeatedly shown us, Liam is having a hard time being comfortable with Thope’s work partnership. He can’t even really entertain Wyatt’s pitches to showcase the line via Eye on Fashion with a small photoshoot because his mind is occupied with the potential of Thomas crossing the line. He’d briefly confused Wyatt when he said that Thope have more than a working relationship, Wyatt thought Liam was saying that more was going on but he was only alluding to the fact that they’re co-parents.
Wyatt had to backtrack and explain that he’d never question Hope’s loyalty, but that he’d been under the impression that Thomas had tried something. For some reason, Brooke was also holding onto that belief herself. As if Hope would hide any advances Thomas makes in order to stay on track with the progress of her line. Hope had to dispel that notion just like Thomas had to tell Liam once more that nothing untoward was going on between him and Hope.
Liam still doesn’t believe Thomas and he likely never will. It doesn’t help matters that Liam sneers whenever Thomas says that he has nothing to worry about when it comes to interference in his marriage from himself or from Hope. It’s the idea that Hope would be disloyal especially over Thomas that Liam cannot stand but, as viewers, we know that his wife’s heart is straying and seemingly starting to yearn for another man.
Though perhaps Liam might catch on at some point because he did share with Wyatt that while Hope has never been more passionate in their time together, he feels like she’s trying to overcompensate because of her awareness of his feelings on her partnership with Thomas. He’s yet to become privy to the depth of their bond, but we sure got a front row seat.
When Hope realized that Thomas overheard her argument with her mom she was crushed. It was obvious that he’d heard none of the positive words she’d said about him and only the most hurtful ones when he appeared in the doorway after Brooke had left. Still, Hope asked him if he’d heard them and he couldn’t even get an answer out. He’d only wanted to tell her that he was heading out for the day.
Hope walked over to him, apologizing profusely and trying to get Thomas to believe that she didn’t mean what she said that she doesn’t actually feel that he’s unstable and manipulative. She knows he’s not that person anymore and she depends on him, she was practically shaking with emotion as tears gathered in her eyes over how badly she’d hurt him with her words.
The episode ended before Thomas gave her an answer on whether he believed her, but before that he told her it was okay which she refuted because it wasn’t. Thomas has made a lot of progress and put in the work as she had acknowledged earlier so what Hope said demeaned that growth and dismissed it which was horrible and she knows that.
Can’t wait to see where this conversation goes on Monday. Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!
Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage! New episodes stream on Paramount+.