The Golden Bachelor “Week 6” took Gerry on three hometown dates. Meeting the families certainly escalated things to a whole new level. Needless to say, the latest elimination was painful, but the one coming up is going to be even worse. So, who are Gerry’s top two women? The episode ended on a cliffhanger, but Reality Steve has our back!
Gerry visited the hometowns of Faith, Theresa, and Leslie in episode 6. All three dates went well, as they usually do (at least on The Bachelor). All families seemed to have loved Gerry. Well, except for Theresa’s daughter, Jen. Everyone else was all smiles, but Jen appeared to be a little more reserved.
In “Week 6,” Gerry also shocked us all by telling Faith he loves her. He has never straight up said “I love you” to any of the women, perhaps because he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings in case they are eliminated, but he did say it to Faith. But then, after his third hometown date, with Leslie, he also tells her he loves her. So the only one who didn’t get an “I love you” was Theresa.
Spoilers ahead!

The Golden Bachelor: Who are the final two women?
Even if you have been following The Golden Bachelor spoilers, it’s always nice to get a confirmation straight from the source! However, “Week 6” only revealed one final gal, and that’s Leslie. And, according to Reality Steve spoilers, the second woman in the final two, is…drumroll please…Theresa!
Is anyone else surprised? I sure am! I’m disappointed Gerry told Faith he loves her when he wasn’t actually sure. Now, how did Faith take the news? To get this answer, we’ll have to tune in next week thanks to a frustrating cliffhanger.
Next week, on Nov. 9, “The Women Tell All” premieres on ABC. In this episode, we’ll get to see all of the eliminated women chat about their experience. It’s definitely an episode not to miss!