Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage season 1, episode 11, "Working For The Enemy," focused on Georgie getting a new job with Jim's competitor in the tire industry. The endeavor should have celebrated Georgie's independence and branching out, but it only caused strife in the McAllister household.
Georgie is a good salesman, as he knows what the people want and knows how to make profits. However, his talents are dimmed due to his young age and his younger brother's unusually high intelligence. It's a shame because Georgie has the potential to evolve, but others are holding him back.
When Jim dismisses his son-in-law's idea of including Korean tires as merchandise in the garage, Georgie orders them behind his back. The act leads to his dismissal and a rift between him and Jim, which is a shame because the latter seems to accept Georgie and take him under his wing after he marries Mandy.
Whether it was payback, he needed a job, or both, Georgie gets hired by Fred Fagenbacher, who happened to be more involved with the McAllister family history, coming as a big surprise to Georgie and his wife.
Texas might be a big state, but word gets around fast.
Audrey's past secret is revealed in Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage
In a shocking twist in the story, Fagenbacher admitted to Georgie that he used to date Audrey in high school. They were pretty fond of each other. Fagenbacher even described their relationship in sordid detail.
Mandy then pulls out her mother's yearbook, confirming the news, and when she asks Audrey about her past love life, her response was nothing but happy. She didn't elaborate on why she and "Freddy" broke up, but her forever life was with Jim (though he might have played a part in the break up), and whether you like their somewhat polarizing relationship, it's orchestrated for them.
Yet, nearly all women tend to recall their first boyfriend, and Audrey is no different. It's typical high school culture and shouldn't be all that surprising, but on Georgie and Mandy, it worked wonders for the comedic relief.
To get Georgie back in Jim's good graces and back at McAllister Auto, Audrey pays a visit at Fagenbacher's, only to discover that not much has changed since their dating days. He then goes even deeper by making a pass. I'll confess that Audrey isn't my favorite, but as a woman, she doesn't deserve it.
Fagenbacher continues his worminess with Georgie by being disrespectful His boss's lewd behavior gives reason for him to quit, despite that it'll lead to unemployment. It's about having morals and principles and those outweigh the money in Georgie's mind.
Back at home, Jim and Georgie reconciled. with Georgie getting his old job back at McAllister Auto. It's a sweet bonding moment between the two men, and I'll give credit to Audrey as she was the one who partially corrected it. I guess deep down, she really does care for Georgie, but she always have a bit of beef with him, as Mandy's life got sidetracked.
But think of this, without Georgie, Audrey wouldn't have such a beautiful granddaughter to dote on.
More Georgie and Mandy tidbits:
- I loved how Connor's brief appearances smoothed out the thick tension.
- The arc between Fagenbacher and Jim at the end was gold and while Jim married Audrey, he still gets very annoyed at his rival,
- Georgie sticking up for his parents-in-law was an interesting dynamic, seeing how they don't always get along.
Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage airs Thursdays on CBS
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