Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage season 1 episode 6 review: "The Regular Samaritan"

Georgie faces a God questioning issues in the latest episode of Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage season 1, episode 6.
“A Regular Samaritan” – Georgie joins a church to sell tires to the congregation and Mandy worries there is more to it than that, on GEORGIE & MANDY’S FIRST MARRIAGE, Thursday, Dec. 5 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Pictured (L-R): Montana Jordan as Georgie and Will Sasso
“A Regular Samaritan” – Georgie joins a church to sell tires to the congregation and Mandy worries there is more to it than that, on GEORGIE & MANDY’S FIRST MARRIAGE, Thursday, Dec. 5 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Pictured (L-R): Montana Jordan as Georgie and Will Sasso

Once again, new challenges arise in Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage. In season 1, episode 6, "The Regular Samaritan," age wasn't the central issue; it was finding monetary prosperity in religion by committing to God's Greater Plan and the infidelity linked to it.

First off, it's never a good idea to mix financial success with religion, as materialism and money are the roots of evil. Any church that implements the belief of God granting wealth beyond your dreams by sacrifice isn't a church but a cult. Sure, they start with promising intentions, but the intentions are designed to lure in naive, unsuspecting members. Soon, they're entrapped in a toxic world that has everything to do with the leader's moral compass and nothing to do with actual Christianity or religion, and it's unfortunately too late to escape or break away from the cult.

Luckily, Georgie doesn't stay with the church, which I'd categorize as a cult, but that doesn't mean he didn't fall under its prosperous enticement. He uses the supposed holy place to promote McAllister Tires, which could use a boost since advertising in the 1990s relied on word of mouth.

But how exactly did Georgie enter the church and how did his wife feel about it? You're about to find out!

Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage "The Regular Samaritan" review

A Regular Samaritan review Georgie and Mandy's First marriage
“A Regular Samaritan” -- “A Regular Samaritan” – Georgie joins a church to sell tires to the congregation and Mandy worries there is more to it than that, on GEORGIE & MANDY’S FIRST MARRIAGE, Thursday, Dec. 5 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Pictured (L-R): Montana Jordan as Georgie, Sadie Calvano as

We’re six episodes into Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage, with each one highlighting or drawing attention to the couple's age gap. In "The Regular Samaritan," the attention is focused on Georgie's vow commitment, his affiliation with the church, and reeling in more cash for the tire business. All of these incorporated elements made for a hilarious but realistic episode that was entertaining.

Let me just say that I love the bond between Georgie and his father-in-law, Jim. The McAllister patriarch accepted Georgie as one of his own, and took him under his wing. What's wholesome is that the two connected over Gin Rummy and in Georgie's luck, won $11 from the game.

In all seriousness, with Mandy clocking in extra shifts at the diner and Georgie working nights to earn the paychecks, it leaves little for spending time together. The couple tries to sneak in a few intimate moments, but it's not enough, and the lack of affection is beginning to take a toll on the marriage.

Not to mention, Ceecee needs that bonding time with both of her parents.

Still, Georgie and Mandy have worked out their issues before, and if they genuinely want to make this relationship work, as they are in love and for their daughter, they'll figure it out.

As we dig further into the episode, Georgie joins a church at the suggestion of an attractive member named Valerie, who's committed to its foundation and principles. While Georgie insists that he and Valerie are just friends and nothing more, others don't think so because why is he spending so much time at the church and Bible Study?

It turns out that Georgie is using his church time not to have an affair with Valerie but to distribute business cards, as he is mystified by the whole "What you give to God, He'll give you back tenfold" belief. And maybe it works for some, as you might never know what the universe has in store, but the storyline did play an amusing part, which elicited a chuckle from me.

However, Valerie did have other plans as she was developing feelings for the married man. Inside the church, she acts out the acts, only to have them backfire when Georgie steps away. It's literally a second blow for Valerie when Mandy catches her and Georgie together and throws a punch. The act proves that she is committed to her husband as much as he is to her.

So, while I don't condone or agree to violence (unless in extreme circumstances), Mandy was in the right, as her punch was a symbol of protecting her marriage and keeping her young family intact.

The writers could've gone with a classic cheating trope to create more drama and a shakeup, but I'm glad they didn't, as there was no need for it. There's no reason for either Georgie or Mandy to commit to infidelity despite open chances and everyone's perspective on their ages.

Some more Georgie and Mandy givings:

  • Georgie getting that diner to tip more on behalf of his wife and daughter was sweet in all the right ways.
  • Did Valerie not realized that she was trying to get Georgie to sin, and in church of all places?
  • Georgie zooming right by another pretty customer reflects that he doesn't want to fall under the same situation again.

Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage airs on Thursday nights on CBS.

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