The mystery woman on The Bold and the Beautiful has been unmasked! As many fans suspected, she's Dr. Taylor Hayes, now played by four time Daytime Emmy nominee Rebecca Budig. There's been a mixed reaction as viewers rightfully wrestle with Krista Allen's departure from the soap and contend with yet another actress filling the role of the good doctor.
But, in all honesty, we're all also waiting to see if we're about to be put on the same ride we always are when Taylor comes back into the picture. Last time, while Allen's peformance was impeccable and she won skeptical fans to her side in a matter of months, we still wound up with Taylor licking her wounds after another failed reunion with Ridge and then a subsequent cast exit.
So here's what the writers should avoid so we don't once again land in the same place we always land with Taylor.
1. A Tridge romance (unless they're going to actually do Tridge)

It's hard out here for Taylor and Ridge shippers and I do mean hard. Every time it seems like The Bold and the Beautiful is really going to give these two a go the rug is pulled out from under us. The best friends nearly got down the aisle in their last attempt but when it was revealed that Thomas had called CPS and framed Brooke for it, Ridge backed out of marrying Taylor.
She'd asked him repeatedly over the course of their reunion and engagement if he was making the decision for himself and not because Brooke did something. He assured her that they were getting married because he wanted to and that he loved her. Cue the truth coming out and he had to admit that he was leaping into marriage as a reaction. Ridge did some soul searching but by the time he got back, Taylor and Brooke had sworn him off.
Their friendship, however, couldn't stand up to the pull both women feel for him and when that became clear it was knives out once again. Brooke felt deeply betrayed even though she, too, was subtly gauging where she and Ridge stood and the two rivals haven't been friends since that whole mess went down.
Given where all three of them are in their lives, it would be disingenous for the soap to try to pull us into a triangle. Mind, I was a Tridge shipper who thought Ridge was going to choose Taylor before Brooke and her made their pact. But overtime it was obvious they were going to put Bridge back together. And now it just doesn't seem like Ridge is in a place to be questioning his bond with Brooke especially with how he just called her the love of his life.
Taylor is always the odd woman out in this triangle and there's no point to trying to rekindle Tridge if they aren't going to finally light the match. We're tired of seeing the same plot play out. The storyline may be different but the result has been the same for years. Unless Tridge is actually going to be together and stay together for a significant period of time (re: more than a few months) then, at least when it comes to romance, they should be let alone.
2. The Braylor friendship

Look, like many Bold viewers, I was taken aback by the Braylor friendship when it became a part of the story. Sure, my eyebrow raised quite a few times when it seemed like the two were growing closer in a way that was veering into classic romantic tropes, but Katherine Kelly Lang and Krista Allen have great chemistry and any way the soap wanted to explore that would have been a point. There was, however, an elephant in the room and his name is Ridge.
We all knew that the writers would have to circle back to the love of both women's lives. And when it did their friendship imploded. There was yelling, screaming, and crying. Accusations of betrayal. Hypocrisy. The bond they were fostering went down like a house of cards. It was so bad that we don't need to go back there again. Because really there's too much hurt there what with the way they've spoken to each other and the actions they've taken over the decades. And, to call a spade a spade, resentment.
Brooke hates when Taylor is around because it's a reminder that there is another woman in the world who has a piece of Ridge's heart. He can make all the declarations he wants to but that's a fact. There isn't a man in Brooke's life that's like that. She's never been written as having a love that's on par with her "destiny," but Ridge has. That's stung and been a source of tension in their relationship. It's because of this that a Braylor friendship wouldn't ever be truly sustainable.
3. Having nothing for Taylor to do

As a psychiatrist, Taylor doesn't fit into the high fashion world that her family is a part of which makes it tricky for her to be involved in some of the non-romance centric plots. But we now have not one but two licensed physicians on The Bold and the Beautiful so if she could be staffed at the hospital, perhaps we can get her involved in plots that happen there. Or, you know there's a murder mystery happening, she could be useful in that storyline.
All I'm asking is that she not be brought in to be put in the middle of Bridge and then left to do very little else but that considering that's a recipe for getting written off once more. We want Taylor to stick around. She's hardly ever there when her kids or her family are in crisis. This recasting is an opportunity for the soap to have her be present in a very impactful way. Hopefully that'll be the case.
Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more coverage and follow us on X. Let us know what you think about Taylor's return to Bold!