Season 14 of Bob's Burgers has been a rollercoaster. From unique episodes to a shortened season, it feels like the Belchers and the audience have been through it all.
Before the Belchers hang up their aprons until next season, we have to talk about Season 14 and its finale. Due to the strikes, the series only had 13 episodes as compared to its usual 22-23 run so things were a lot more spread out than normal.
Despite the tough circumstances, the cast and crew of Bob's Burgers put together a solid season, and even, CNN noticed. After months of waiting, we're at the finish line of Season 14 with an episode entitled "Butt Sweats and Fears."
If you couldn't tell by the title, this is no doubt going to be a Tina-centric episode and in the past, most of the Tina-centric finale episodes have been some of the best. With that being said, there will be spoilers for "Butt Sweats and Fears" from this point on so make sure you're caught up on Bob's Burgers.
Here's what happened in the Bob's Burgers season 14 finale
"Butt Sweats and Fears" begins with Tina talking about going to Chelsea's dance party and she's talking about UB which is "Upper Butt." It's all about slow-dancing and touching the other's upper butts. Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Louise and Gene are playing with the wooden pallets and Teddy decides to get in on the fun.
Tina wants to dance with Jimmy Junior and toss his upper butt but she goes to the laundry room and her skirt gets stuck in the dryer. Sam ends up coming into the laundry room with Tina and tries to help her open the door. In the basement of the restaurant, Teddy ends up making a new restaurant aka Trash Pallet Bob's coined by Louise.
Sam explains to Tina that he's scared and anxious about slow-dancing so the two decide to hang out together while Louise invites Dalton down to the basement restaurant. Things get even worse for Tina as she ends up falling into the litter box and her shirt is covered in cat litter and poop. Sam suggests unplugging the dryer and it works so Tina changes into her skirt before putting her shirt in the dryer.
Tina goes out to join the party but Sam stays in the laundry room and she feels bad so she decides to go back for him. She ends up taking him out to the dance floor and they end up having fun. The episode ends with the Belchers realizing there were beetles in the pallets and Tina still ends up getting something from Jimmy Junior.

Was "Butt Sweats and Fear" a solid finale of Bob's Burgers?
When looking back at the show's last few season finales, "Butt Sweats and Fears" isn't actually a heartwarming episode. For a majority of the episode, Tina is talking about upper butt touching but honestly, it made for a fun episode. It also served as some great character growth for Tina as she's usually so boy-crazy but she also has a soft heart and there's something utterly adorable about that.
As for the rest of the family, they got up to their usual shenanigans but of course, things didn't go exactly as planned. Then again, that's always the mainstay when it comes to Bob's Burgers and frankly, that's part of the reason why I love the show so much. Even with the shorter runtime, the series gave us a lot of unique storylines, fun character moments, and plenty of moments that would only happen on Bob's Burgers.
On the whole, "Butt Sweats and Fears" might not be the most memorable season finale of Bob's Burgers but it'll always hold a special place in our hearts due to it being shortened by the strike. At least we know that there's another full season of Bob's Burgers to look forward to this fall.
Bob's Burgers will return with season 15 in Fall 2024.