Claim to Fame guess off leads to a stunning betrayal! (Who was next to be revealed?)

Claim to Fame's latest episode saw an alliance completely fall apart and a betrayal that led to a surprising exit. Find out who went home and who they are related to.
CLAIM TO FAME - "Almost Unfamous" - The 11 celebrity relatives vying to stake their own "claim to fame" and win the $100,000 prize are introduced. The first challenge is a talent show with a twist, determining who is at risk of the first elimination. Hosted by Kevin and Franklin Jonas. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 (9:00 - 10:00 PM ET) on ABC. (Disney/Chris Willard) 
CLAIM TO FAME - "Almost Unfamous" - The 11 celebrity relatives vying to stake their own "claim to fame" and win the $100,000 prize are introduced. The first challenge is a talent show with a twist, determining who is at risk of the first elimination. Hosted by Kevin and Franklin Jonas. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 (9:00 - 10:00 PM ET) on ABC. (Disney/Chris Willard) KEVIN JONAS, FRANKLIN JONAS

Claim to Fame did not hold back with the newest episode, which saw plenty of backstabbing and betrayal. After last week's episode saw Miguel leaving the house, who was next on the chopping block and did they get revealed in the end?

The next person the house went after was Adam, who was basically clueless when it came to who anyone in the house was related to. He even appeared to be unaware of movies and other shows people have appeared in. Even though he was in an alliance with Naomi, she wasn’t happy that he wasn’t helping her by providing her possible suggestions.

This alliance was already shaky and things were made worse when Adam tried to get help from others such as Danny. At this point, they could see he didn’t appear to be trying to do his own work in playing the game and were ready to write him off altogether.

For this week’s game, the contestants were given lie detector tests to see who would do well. Once again, Shane ended up the winner, as he kept himself calm and collected during the questioning. Unfortunately, Adam and Hud were both in the bottom.

Everyone was ready to vote for Adam as the guesser, believing he wouldn’t get the right answer. However, he surprised everyone when he confidently called for Naomi as his guess. As it turned out, he spoke with Hud, who had figured out that she was likely related to Molly Ringwald, who starred in The Breakfast Club and 16 Candles.

CLAIM TO FAME - ABC's "Claim to Fame" stars Naomi. (Disney/Erica Hernandez)

To help himself out, Adam even wrote down her name so he would remember it. He was correct, in the end, and Molly Ringwald is Naomi's cousin. She introduced herself as Naomi Burns and told the group that when she was younger, she lived with Molly and her parents, which brought them closer. 

Even though Adam stayed in the game, the group may still not want to have him around. Plus, since he revealed Hud had given him the information he needed, it might not go well for him either. 

Now that Mackenzie’s winner’s clue has been revealed, does this mean she could now be a target? Her clue showed six foot prints, the number 6, a cowboy hat with a musical note, a house with the word “for,” and an ice cube. Whether Shane will share the clue with anyone remains to be seen.

Plus, the house is still trying to figure out if Dedrick is related to Michael Jackson or Randy Jackson. Michael does have a brother named Randy, but the cast is referring to the American Idol judge. Only time will tell if Dedrick continues to fly under the radar despite the rest of the house zeroing in on his identity.

However the game continues to play out, it has been fun to see just how well the people in the house know their entertainment trivia. We’re looking forward to seeing who is next on the chopping block and if we’ll see more betrayals on the horizon.

New episodes of Claim to Fame air Wednesdays at 9/8c and stream next day on Hulu. Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more coverage and follow us on X!