Constellation episode 4 explained: What in the multiverse is going on?!

If you are not watching Constellation on Apple TV+, you are missing out, my friend!
Constellation on Apple TV+
Constellation on Apple TV+ /

Constellation on Apple TV+ is one of the best shows I've seen in recent years and the biggest question I have about it is -- why aren't more people watching? Seriously, if you love a good sci-fi drama/mystery, you have to watch Constellation. That said, if you've yet to join us up in space, please note there are spoilers ahead!

Spoiler alert! Go stream the first four episodes of Constellation on Apple TV+ before reading ahead. All caught up? Let's chat about that bonkers fourth episode. I'll give you all a minute to pick up your jaw off the floor.

Events took a very dark turn in episode 4 of Apple TV+'s sci-fi mystery Constellation. As soon as Jo (Noomi Rapace) landed back on Earth, she could feel things were a little...different. But who can blame her? Jo has been away for a whole year. This is normal, right? Yes, to an extent. Audiences quickly caught on that we are dealing with alternate universes and timeless, but Jo didn't grasp it until episode 4, "The Left Hand of God."

By the end of the latest episode, Jo is shocked and confused. Is her mind trapped in a body from another timeline/universe? Did her original body die, as seen in the vision her daughter experienced?

Here's what episode 4, "The Left Hand of God" answers: Audiences are witnessing two different universes. In one, Jo did not make it out of her mission alive. Instead, she died and her friend Paul Lancaster (William Catlett) is the one who survived the ISS crash. But, somehow, Jo's mind and memories are alive in the body of the version of Jo who did survive (it's a puzzle, I know).

Episode 4 also confirms that these two universes are overlapping due to the "glitch" of Jo landing in the wrong universe. Now, what we don't know just yet, is why Jo's daughter, Alice, can see into the second universe. The fact that Alice has been hiding in cupboards for some time makes me wonder if she has been looking into the second universe since before Jo returned.

What we still don't know, is what's going on in the second universe. We have seen snippets of Magnus (James D'Arcy) and Alice hiding out in the cabin (or trying to). What are they running away from? How will their reality clash with the one Jo is currently on?

Constellation episode 5 will be available to stream on March 6, only on Apple TV+.
