Which of the ghosts was 'sucked off' in the Ghosts Season 3 premiere?

At the end of Ghosts Season 2, we found out a ghost was being 'sucked off.' Which of the spirits have we said goodbye to?
“Woodstone’s Hottest Couple” – When teen ghost Stephanie (Odessa A’zion), who lives in the attic, awakens to find that her crush Trevor is now dating Hetty, she decides to sabotage all the relationships at Woodstone, on the CBS Original series GHOSTS, Thursday, April 27 (8:31-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+. Pictured (L-R): Richie Moriarty as Pete, Devan Chandler Long as Thorfinn, Sheila Carrasco as Flower, Rebecca Wisocky
“Woodstone’s Hottest Couple” – When teen ghost Stephanie (Odessa A’zion), who lives in the attic, awakens to find that her crush Trevor is now dating Hetty, she decides to sabotage all the relationships at Woodstone, on the CBS Original series GHOSTS, Thursday, April 27 (8:31-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+. Pictured (L-R): Richie Moriarty as Pete, Devan Chandler Long as Thorfinn, Sheila Carrasco as Flower, Rebecca Wisocky

We waited all summer and fall to find out which of the ghosts we would say goodbye to in the Ghosts Season 3 premiere. The answer came early on. Or did it?

Caution: There are spoilers from the Ghosts Season 3 premiere in this post.

There were a lot of theories about which spirit would be “sucked off.” Nigel seemed like the most obvious choice. He wasn’t one of the main characters, and his exit would mean Isaac would have to learn more about grief.

It wasn’t Nigel, though. As many of the ghosts gathered, Thor came asking if anyone had seen Flower. It looked like our favorite hippie ghost had found peace. As sad as this is, it’s also a great thing for the ghosts as all they all want is to find eternal peace.

Did Flower really get ‘sucked off’ in Ghosts?

Of course, if we don’t see something happen on screen, then it hasn’t happened, right? That’s the case with deaths, and it feels like being “sucked off” in this series is like death. So, we haven’t seen Flower go.

It seems odd that Crash, who we barely see, is still around. Stephanie is still sleeping, and the Cholera Ghosts all still seem to be around. Is it really possible that we’ve lost Flower.

Everyone seems to think so. There was a beautiful memorial service, and Thor believes that Flower has been reincarnated as an owl; the owl Jay had to get rid of. After Jay and Thor had an odd interaction, Thor agreed that Flower the Owl had to be let free.

I had half expected Flower to turn up at the end just wandering the grounds as she usually would, but that wasn’t the case. It really does look like Flower is the one who has been “sucked off” in the Ghosts Season 3 premiere.

In a way, it does make sense for Flower. She had grown a lot over two seasons, with it all coming to the point where she was willing to be with Thor without a third. Finding that growth meant finding peace.

Ghosts airs Thursdays on CBS. Catch up the following day on Paramount+.