Hey Netflix, can we just throw all of Love is Blind season 6 away, please? Thanks!

Love is Blind season 6 just gets wilder as more episodes are released -- and not in a good way!
Love is Blind. Jeramey in episode 609 of Love is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Love is Blind. Jeramey in episode 609 of Love is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

Nick and Vanessa Lachey must be stopped. Okay, jokes aside, Netflix needs to throw all of Love is Blind season 6 away. Listen, I love junk TV as much as the next person. Nothing beats escaping our own real-life drama by tuning in to someone else's drama for a couple of hours. And I used to say, the messier the better, but season 6 of Nick and Vanessa Lachey's Pod-Crew has crossed the line.

For starters, the biggest takeaway from this season is that men are trash. Well, at least all the men who producers supposedly ran a background check on during the casting process. Now, I don't know how things will end (okay, I do, but you're getting no spoilers from me), but the red flags are up high and waving at us like crazy. With the exception of Johnny, the men on this show do not seem to be ready for commitment. Clay keeps going back and forth with his doubts about being able to stay loyal to AD -- like, huh? Which show did he think he was joining?

Then, we have Jimmy, who is giving Chelsea nothing and everything at the same time. I feel like Jimmy keeps trying to get Chelsea to end things between them. You know? To give her an honorable way out of the relationship. Unfortunately, for Jimmy (and the audience), Chelsea is not getting the hint. Watching this couple on screen makes my eye twitch.

I don't even want to dive too much into Jeramey, aka the king of gaslighting and only on the show to have a good time. Speaking of having a good time, Kenneth is not enjoying himself one bit. Kenneth couldn't be happier about having his phone back. His loss, Brittany, you're gorgeous! This was the most awkward breakup ever. What a waste of Brittany's time. Should've just stayed home, Kenneth.

As episodes began to pop on Netflix, we learned that just about every guy on the show is trash. One of the participants was allegedly engaged to someone when he signed up to participate in Love is Blind, while another was in a serious relationship outside of the Pods. And we also have Matthew, who I won't give the time of day to chat about - if you know, you know.

When I said I wanted to watch a messy reality show, this is not what I meant. I love me some drama, but Love is Blind season 6 is a cringe-fest at best. Who do you think will get married? Things aren't looking good for anyone, to be honest. Netflix, if you need help with casting for the next season, I'm a professional social media stalker and would be happy to help!