SWAT season 7 episode 2 recap: Did Hondo and Hicks find Powell alive?

After finding out Powell was missing, Hondo and Hicks desperately searched for her. What happened on SWAT season 7, episode 2?
“Peace Talks” – Hondo and Hicks desperately search for Powell, who’s gone missing in Mexico City along with a thermobaric bomb capable of killing thousands. And while Deacon and Tan assist from L.A., Deacon’s pride gets injured in a boxing match with Rocker, in Part Two of the season seven premiere of S.W.A.T., Friday, February 23 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for
“Peace Talks” – Hondo and Hicks desperately search for Powell, who’s gone missing in Mexico City along with a thermobaric bomb capable of killing thousands. And while Deacon and Tan assist from L.A., Deacon’s pride gets injured in a boxing match with Rocker, in Part Two of the season seven premiere of S.W.A.T., Friday, February 23 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for

After the season 7 premiere of SWAT found Zoe Powell in danger, it was up to Hondo and Commander Hicks to find her. What happened in the second episode, and did they find their missing team member?

The episode began with Hondo and Commander Hicks ready to head home. However, when they couldn’t get a hold of Powell, they realized something was off when they heard her phone ringing, but there was no answer.

Despite something having gone wrong, Captain Olvera was reluctant to believe anything happened to Powell, especially since they still needed to find the bomb. While Gabriel acted like he didn’t do anything wrong, Hondo and Hicks investigated on the sly.

They contacted Tan and Deacon back home, who looked into Gabriel’s training in California. They discovered he was suspected of stealing from crime scenes. Eventually, Hondo and Hicks located his grandmother, just before spotting him attempting to get away with a shovel.

While he tried to stop him, Hondo was unable to catch Gabriel, who had Powell hidden in the back of his vehicle. Luckily, she was alive but was in danger. She managed to hide just as the buyers arrived to obtain the bomb from Gabriel.

How was Zoe Powell found on SWAT season 7, episode 2?

As she was hiding in the van, the buyers shot Gabriel before driving off with her inside. Powell left a note for Hicks and Hondo to find. The men were driving to something called Isabella Pearl.

Even though Hondo and Hicks were on the trail of what happened to Powell, the Commander of the Mexican police believed they were responsible for what occurred and put out an arrest warrant for them. Powell was able to give them more clues about who was responsible by sending a photo she snuck on one of their phones.

The Casa Isabelle Pearl belonged to Adam Pearl, who planned to expand his business to Colombia. To do this, he was attempting to make peace talks between the Colombian President and a leader of a dissident group within Colombia. However, some men who had been part of the group did not want peace and were planning to detonate the bomb with everyone inside.

Luckily, Hondo and Hicks were able to convince the Mexican police to believe them and they not only found Powell but were able to stop the bomb.

All in all, the episode ended well for everyone, except Gabriel, of course. Powell and Hicks made amends before the three of them headed back home to LA.  A complete jerk may have abducted her, but she managed to not only rescue herself but also was able to help Hondo and Hicks figure out what was going on.

We’re looking forward to seeing what the remaining episodes have in store for the crew, especially now that they are back stateside.

Watch SWAT every Friday on CBS at 8/7c. Catch up the next day on Paramount+.