Poppy's past is certainly catching up to her on The Bold and the Beautiful come the week of Aug. 12. Luna should be careful what she tells her boyfriend RJ in confidence because he's the one who told Katie about Tom's backpack which somehow found its way into the Nozawas' apartment. He also informed his aunt that Poppy saw Tom on the night he died which sent Katie running to Bill's but not before she placed a call to Chief Baker.
She told him that she had evidence he'd want to see which was interesting since we've only been let in on what Katie thinks happened not that she's supposedly come across a smoking gun. But, in the preview for the upcoming week for the soap, Baker pays a visit to the Spencer estate. He's flanked by an officer and they have Tom's backpack along with a mint tin in an evidence bag. Now where did that come from?
Alarmed and definitely shook, Poppy hollered that she hadn't done anything wrong but this new lead in the case is certain to see her marched downtown. The thing is though, we know that whoever killed Tom didn't use pills. They dumped an excess of some kind of powder into his drink. The murderer used the same compound when they took Hollis' life. The amount of narcotics they used certainly couldn't be held in a compact mint tin.
It's obvious the LAPD got a warrant to search the Nozawas' apartment based on what Katie had shared. But that doesn't necessarily mean Poppy still had drugs in her possession. She quit taking her mints after that whole debacle that led to Luna sleeping with Zende when she thought she was having an intimate moment with RJ.
Could someone have planted evidence? It's possible! It may not be Katie though even if she is willing to do anything to get Bill away from Poppy, and she truly believes that his life is at risk. She can't prove that Poppy killed Tom but there's enough circumstantial evidence to at least have her be questioned while the lab runs a test on whether or not the drugs found in the apartment match the compound that killed Hollis and Tom.
Katie thinks Poppy committed these murders so easing the police toward nabbing her would be the ends justifying the means in her mind. The trouble with Katie planting evidence, however, is that she doesn't know what kind of drugs Poppy used to take and if she did she would likely know they were recreational and not hard substances.
But given everything we've seen so far, there's been no real motive for Poppy to have killed these men. She stands by the results of the paternity test and even if she did feel threatened by Tom insisting he'd tell Luna about their past, it wouldn't have been enough to push her toward killing him. Nor does it seem likely that she would have taken Hollis out to cover her tracks.
If Katie did plant evidence in the hopes that it would lead to the reveal that Poppy really is the Il Giardino Killer, and she's proven wrong, this could blow back on her especially if Bill ever found out. He loves a good scheme and plot but only when he's the one wreaking havoc and it doesn't mess with his family. Katie disrupting the peace in his home when their son Wyatt is already having a tough time may lead to Bill losing his cool.
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