Wild Cards is a mystery procedural starring Vanessa Morgan and Giacomo Gianniotti as a crime-solving duo thrown together by unique circumstances. Morgan plays Max, a con artist who's facing jail time in the premiere, "The Infinity Thief. If she can help Gianniotti's Ellis find a criminal that's giving the police the runaround, she won't have to spend time behind bars. It's Ellis first case with real stakes since he was placed on the maritime unit, and it'll decide whether he'll be put on the path back to detective work or be sent back out on the water to corral rowdy boat users.
The series has been garnering buzz because it's a delightful series reminiscent of the Blue Sky dramas USA Network was once famous for and that have seen a resurgence on streaming. The program is also Morgan's first major role after becoming a household name as Toni Topaz in Riverdale, which aired its final season in 2023. Wild Cards is a Canadian show and is set in Vancouver, but it is airing in the U.S. as well. Looking to tune in? Here are three ways to watch!
1. The CW
Wild Cards airs Wednesdays on The CW at 8 p.m. ET as it's co-produced by the network. It made its debut January 17, a week after its premiere January 10 on CBC in Canada. Yes, that does mean you need to be careful of spoilers when you're using social media. There's a fandom building around the series and Canadian fans are sharing videos and talking about new episodes a week ahead of American viewers.
If you miss a new episode of the series on TV, it'll re-air on Monday at 9 p.m. the following week after a new episode of the newly acquired modern western, Ride.
2. A live TV streaming provider
Are you a cord cutter? No worries, you can still get access to The CW if you're a subscriber to Hulu + Live TV, Youtube TV, or DirecTV STREAM. Depending on your region, you'll be able to watch the series live. However, if your live TV streaming provider doesn't have access to a local CW affiliate, you'll still be able to watch, it'll just be next day when it's available to stream on-demand.
3. The CW App
While watching on the night is preferred to keep Wild Cards' ratings up in the hopes that it'll get picked up for a second season on The CW, you can stream episodes the next day on the CW App (or cwtv.com). This is a free, ad-supported platform so you don't need a subscription, log-in, or TV provider in order to access its content.
The CW Spiral podcast releases weekly reviews of Wild Cards. Check out their playlist for the show below and subscribe to their Youtube channel for more CW content!