Spoiler alert! Before you read on, please note there are spoilers ahead if you've yet to watch the latest episode of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. Go stream the episode now on AMC+ before reading.
It's the moment we have all been waiting for, folks! Richonne is back! On TWD: The Ones Who Live episode 2, titled "Gone," Rick and Michonne finally reunite. Their happiness is short-lived as Rick realizes that the CRM is quickly on their way. Instead of running, Rick instructs Michonne to pretend she's someone else and to not let anyone know about her skills as a leader. The last thing Rick wants is for the CRM to learn that Michonne is his wife or that she's a type A.
Michonne is confused, to say the least, but with little to no time left, she trusts Rick and agrees to go with his story. What also helped reassure Michonne is Rick telling her they will eventually find a way out together. However, Rick appeared hesitant to agree that they'd find a way back home. Rick doesn't seem hopeful or like the fearless Rick that Michonne once knew. Audiences can tell Michonne feels something is off, but hey, it's been nearly a decade, nothing is the same. Michonne is just happy to have found Rick, they'll sort out the details later.

Later, we learn that Rick really did mean it when he told Michonne they'd run away together when the time was right. Unfortunately, Jadis warns Rick against any plans he may have about leaving. Jadis tells Rick that she knows about Michonne and will have no choice but to destroy Alexandria, and everyone in it, if either of them leaves. Rick is infuriated, but there's nothing much he can do. At least not yet. But will he ever?
Rewind to when Michonne and Rick find each other. After being shot, Nat (Matthew August Jeffers) asks Michonne in a light whisper if the Rick she has found is "still" Rick. "Can you tell?," Nat weakly whispers before dying. At the time, Michonne thinks of this as her dear friend simply looking out for her. After all, Nat never met Rick. But has Rick changed? If he decides not to leave, will Michonne find her own way out and return to her kids?
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live episode 3 premieres on Sunday, March 10, only on AMC and AMC+.