The Bachelor Season 19 Episode 4: Who was eliminated?

Grant's group of women went from 10 to 7 on Episode 4 of The Bachelor. Who was eliminated?
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth)
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth) GRANT ELLIS

We are flying through Grant’s season of The Bachelor! Episode 4 kicked off this season’s travel, with Grant and his group of women jetting off to Madrid, which is a very impressive location this early in the season! Usually they go somewhere in the States first. 

We went into this episode with ten women, Grant saying he “really like[d]” each one of them. However, there were a few he didn’t like enough to hang onto another week!  

So who went home on Episode 4?

1. Parisa

THE BACHELOR - ABC's "The BachelorÓ stars Parisa. (Disney/Matt Sayles)

This was a heartbreaker. Parisa was one of my favorite women so far! She was low-drama and provided very necessary comic relief. Hearing her talk about her bad day was hilarious: she burned herself with the curling iron, and her spray tan was “chipping off,” which she didn’t know could happen. These little details really helped us get to know her!

To add insult to injury, Grant gifted Parisa with some rocks (she loves rocks) during their one-on-one time at the Group Date cocktail party. Why would he do that just to send her home? Very misleading!

Upon leaving, Parisa wondered if she talked about rocks too much. I just love her!

Hope to see her again on another show!

2. Natalie

THE BACHELOR - ABC's "The BachelorÓ stars Natalie. (Disney/Matt Sayles)

Another girl I really liked! 

Natalie also seemed low-drama (doesn’t usually bode well for a long life on this show). She also seemed genuinely sweet, and I enjoyed the moments I saw of her and Grant. 

For instance, at the cocktail party, we saw Natalie ask Grant, “how are you?” and listen to him vent! What a sweetheart. 

Farewell, Natalie!

3. Rose

THE BACHELOR - ABC's "The BachelorÓ stars Rose. (Disney/Matt Sayles)

Rose was not eliminated but made the decision to leave early on her own. 

Probably for the best. I think Rose knew she was getting eliminated, plus her mental health was clearly being taxed to the limit.  There was just no talking to her at the cocktail party; she was spiraling.

It was truly a miracle that Rose lasted until this week. Grant did NOT seem interested in pursuing things further with her.

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