‘Is this Paul’s HOH or your HOH?’ is the question everyone wants Josh to answer

Ghostly Matty / YouTube
Ghostly Matty / YouTube /

People’s hero, Elena, asks the question everyone is wondering on Big Brother this week.

If we could have picked anyone from Paul’s pack to test the bounds of his power by way of the Head of Household title, it would not have been Josh. In any case, Josh is the one who won HOH last week and lo, the chaos and power struggle began.

Josh is wildly volatile and while he is decidedly not Team Jody, he and Paul immediately differed on the importance of evicting one half of the couple immediately. Josh, you see, is interested in evicting Mark or Elena. Josh, you see, holds a grudge against Elena, who voted against him when Ramses was nominated (and ultimately evicted).

Paul very quickly gets comfortable in the HOH bedroom as if it’s his bedroom and even though Josh is right there telling him he wants to get Elena out first because he doesn’t “trust her at all.” Paul, however, is building his relationship with Elena and Paul controls this pack of sheeple so… the target’s back on Jody, right?

Wrong. Josh promptly bristles at Paul’s attempt to commandeer his moment and everyone can see Paul attempting to run the week like he’s HOH. Part of this involves Paul telling Elena that Josh wants to use her and Mark as pawns to compete and keep Power of Veto out of Jessica’s hands. (This, for the record, was not Josh’s plan.)

Elena, not surprisingly, then confronts Josh and asks the pivotal question: “Is this Paul’s HOH or your HOH?” Which is to say, who is running the show? Then, the three of them — Paul, Elena and Josh, fight, because this is still Big Brother 19.

(Meanwhile, Jody, for their part, are strategizing successfully. They wanted one of them to win the Temptation Competition for safety and the other to lose so they could play in the Power of Veto. Cody won and Jessica comes in dead last, so mission accomplished.)

Next: Is Jessica playing the best game of BB19?

After all that, Mark, Elena and Jessica are, in fact, the three Josh nominates. He makes a big show of targeting Jessica, then diary-room-confesses, he’s still about taking out Elena. Time will tell whose house it is.