The infamous Cloverfield marketing campaign begins for the untitled sequel

Photo credit: Paramount /

The nearly flawless film Cloverfield just turned 10 and its perfect marketing campaign for the untitled third film has officially commenced.

It’s hard to believe that a decade has passed since Cloverfield debuted, raking in millions of dollars, a full-fledged fanbase of Cloververse devotees and essentially a franchise with undeniable potential for expansion. In 2008, we experienced several branches of ARG (alternate reality game) that offered ties to companies popping up in Cloverfield and even played a mysterious role in the origin of anomalies in the sequel. Tagruato, a fictional Japanese company in both films was affiliated with the business the protagonist of the original Cloverfield was hired for – the second film featured a lead character who worked for Tagruato and hinted at frightening things he discovered during his employment.

As for Cloverfield 3, the film was originally titled God Particle with a focus on a space station and a particle accelerator, but managed to be picked up for re-writes to integrate it into the Cloverfield universe. During last year’s San Diego Comic Con, there were subtleties for hardcore Cloverfield lovers with a Slusho truck parked outside (another Tagruato crossover) and portable power supply banks that is most likely intentional given the supposed plot of the upcoming film.

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On Jan. 18, the actual anniversary of Cloverfield, the Tagruato website underwent an update featuring a loading bar and incompatibility message – however when adjusting light settings a brief message can be seen as pointed out by Cloververse redditors, reading:

"“Tokyo – January 18 2018: Tagruato has begun development on a revolutionary new energy technology in what Ceo Garo Yoshida called a technological great leap forward for our planet. This renewable technology will take at least 4 years to complete along with another six years International regulatory bodies to bring the powerful revolutionary energy source by April 18 2028”"

If you look closely at the duplicated images blurred in the background, the similarities to the original Cloverfield creature is almost identical to the scene when it faces the camera directly, just before killing the initial camera man. Since then, the date found in the text has been linked to a website with a glimpse of a possible video transmission scrambled where a man can be seen. There appears to be quick shots of other items behind him but nothing is clear enough to determine what’s actually in the video or if this second website is possibly a dedicated fan trying to get our hopes up. With that being said, the Tagruato website additions are enough to prove that things will begin to progress very quickly and we can’t wait to see what comes next.

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After several release date changes, Cloverfield 3 is set to hit theatres April 20, 2018, so keep up with Hidden Remote for more Cloverfield ARG coverage as we get closer and closer to enjoying more Cloverfield in the near future.