We need to talk about Malec in the Shadowhunters Season 3 premiere

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Photo credit: Freeform, acquired from Freeform press site /

Insight to Magnus’ warlock responsibilities

Season 3, Episode 1 proves to be one of the more illuminating episodes for audiences in regard to Magnus as a leader in the warlock community and as a trusted apothecary. There is a beautiful, detailed new set where Magnus is able to see clients, store essential ingredients, and concoct remedies to meet the needs of other Downworlders who seek his assistance. Magnus is absolutely in his element with this new role, and it’s very interesting as a fan to see him demonstrating his centuries of expertise, something that we haven’t explored much in past seasons.

Magnus and Alec both want one another to be truly happy, but in “On Infernal Ground” maintaining happiness could mean hiding one’s own distressed feelings to protect the other person. With both characters experiencing shifts in their respective careers, Malec is very much still working on their open communication and how to talk through their anxieties.