Homeland has shifted gears away from spy games, and towards politics. It may be a mistake.
Homeland is at a major crossroads. Either Saul (Patinkin) and Carrie (Danes) can get Simone (Holt) to the U.S., thereby proving the innocence of President Keane (Marvel), or the U.S. political landscape falls into ruins. The 25th Amendment has already been invoked by Vice President Warner (Bridges) and Senator Paley (Baker), but it’s probably not too late to go back.
So Saul and Carrie concocted the plan to ex-fil Simone, and it hasn’t gone perfectly. In fact, one member of the kidnapping force got executed. Furthermore, Saul and Carried had to pressure General Yakushin, threatening to lose his off-shore $300M in order for him to find Simone. What they didn’t expect was Yakushin unleashing all his forces and basically creating a Russian civil war against competing political factions.
Carrie proves herself yet again.
Carrie switched wigs with Simone, who can implicate the Russian involvement into U.S. politics, so everyone under Yevgeny’s control looks for Carrie. Great for Simone. For Carrie, however, it’s basically slathering up with honey and hanging out near a bear den. It’s certain danger. For instance, Russians could just barricade the entrance into the U.S. Embassy.
Keane fills in the new President.
Warner sees the Russian siege on television and is all fire and brimstone. He wants to know what Keane knows. She finally comes clean and tells him Simone is alive, and Saul/Carrie are in Russia to retrieve Keane’s golden goose (e.g. Simone).
It’s almost as if the new administration wants the Simone retrieval to fail as much as the Russians do.
Carrie runs interference.

Carrie may be crazy, but she has priorities straight at all times. Country above self. It’s almost as if her parents played JFK’s “ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country”-speech to her on repeat in the womb. She’s that committed. Unfortunately for her, so is Yevgeny.
She makes her way through a crowded subway tunnel, a bazaar, and what looks like an old library, just to buy more time. Unfortunately, Saul’s minivan gets stopped at the airport because one of the people inside was on the raid-mission to get Simone Martin. Oh, and the whole “Simone with a blonde wig doesn’t really look like Carrie”-thing causes suspicion.
VP Warner proves his moral compass.
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From the beginning, Warner seemed like a guy who wanted to do what was right. Whether that meant supporting Keane or not. So when Paley attempts to persuade him to act in an unsavory manner, there is a tense moment of uncertainty for the viewers. Warner, however, proves himself true to the cause.
Long story short, he tells Paley to STFU, and informs the Russian Ambassador there would be drastic repercussions if Saul and crew weren’t allowed to board immediately. To put it another way, the Russian embassy gets condemned, and every Russian diplomat puts on an orange jumpsuit. Needless to say, the gate gets opened and plane wheels go up seconds later.
Subsequently, Simone testifies and President Keane is exonerated. Everything is as it should be, except Carrie is still on her way to a gulag with no sight of U.S. soil in her future.
Who works the whipsaw?

Yevgeny offers Carrie’s anti-psycho pills like the proverbial carrot on a stick, and she tells him where he can stick the pills. Simultaneously, Saul tries to work a deal to get her released, or at least traded for three Russians the Americans have in custody. Regardless of how the situation is perceived, Carrie is dead center of that whipsaw between super powers. And six month later the results are clear, as Saul finally gains her release. She looks like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons, and doesn’t even know Saul. Season 8 of Homeland should be all about Carrie being insane and painting with feces.
Meanwhile, Keane has a chance to stomp the neck of everyone who wronged her. She talks with her VP, however, who convinces her that scorched earth between Republicans and Democrats is less desirable than compromise. In a shocking announcement, she resigns her Presidency in a live address to the American public.
Next: Russia collapses and Carrie goes brunette
Homeland has a great opportunity here to turn the universe a full 360 back to the original premise. Carrie could fill Brody’s shoes, returning to U.S. soil as a psychotic Russian empathizer, playing “insane” for the Russians. That situation, however, is left for season 8.
Homeland is on break until season 8.