Westworld Season 2, Episode 2 recap: Reunion

Westworld. Image acquired via HBO Media Relations.
Westworld. Image acquired via HBO Media Relations.

HBO’s Westworld continues its second season with a time-twisty episode. Here is everything that happened in Reunion.

Reunion” started off with yet another flashback. (I feel like at this point we should have a timeline counter.) Arnold shows Dolores the “real” world and it dazzles her. He then shows her the house he is building for his family.

She begins to have a seemingly intelligent conversation with him but then repeats dialogue she said earlier. This was such a well-done reminder that in the beginning, no matter how real the hosts seemed, they were more fantasy than reality.

Back to the present, an escaping Delos member enters the refurbishment outpost, where employees are ignorant of the host rebellion. Soon after Dolores and crew arrive and threaten the Delos member.

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Flashing back again, Logan meets with a representative from an “Argos Initiative” and Angela to discuss investing in a new project. They take him to a room full of people and challenge him to decipher who is real. He is surprised to find out Angela is a robot and flabbergasted to see all the people in the room are not real. Angela comments that the hosts are there for him. Dolores watches from afar as Logan spends alone time with the hosts.

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In the present, Dolores tells a tech guy to show Teddy his history. Teddy sees all the times he has died. In response, he snaps, chokes the tech and asks him why that has happened to him. The tech responds it is “for fun”.

In the park, men have tied up Lawrence. William comes and rescues him, but one of the men attack him. This scene was especially tense as the hosts now pose a real danger. Lawrence saves William and William comments, “Dead isn’t what it used to be”.

At a tavern, William tries to tell Lawrence what he really is. William heals himself with a device from behind the bar. I am assuming this is Delos technology. He tells Lawrence he has plans of looking for the “final verdict” and burning the place to the ground.

Westworld. Image acquired via HBO Media Relations.
Westworld. Image acquired via HBO Media Relations.

Through torturing an employee, Dolores finds out what the hosts are up against with Delos. She orders the tech to reboot a Confedrado.

In the past, William shows Delos Sr. the park. He convinces Delos there is business in knowing who people really are without judgment.

Back to the present, Dolores meets Maeve in the park and tries to recruit her. Maeve questions if the other hosts are really “free” under Dolores’ leadership and then goes her own way.

Dolores approaches a group of Confedrados and suggests a parlay. The leader of the men laughs at her and declines. She then kills the entire group and has the tech bring the leader back to life. Dolores tells the leader she has killed God himself.

In another flashback, Delos Sr. holds a retirement party. At the party, a dolled-up Dolores plays piano. She recognizes William and sees him with his wife and child. Later, she comes across a bitter, washed-up Logan. He tells Dolores Delos is lighting a match on society with what they are planning to do.

In the park, Lawrence and William head to Pariah. They find it filled with destruction and dead bodies. There they meet El Lazo, who now has a new body (Giancarlo Esposito!). William tries to convince El Lazo to come with him to find a place of truth and victory.

He holds El Lazo hostage and commands his men to follow him. El Lazo states the game is for William and William alone. He and his men then shoot themselves.

Back in the past, William talks to Dolores alone at Delos. He tells her he found himself through her. He tells her Delos has something big planned and shows her an area in the park where large machines are at work digging the earth.

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In the final sequences of the episode, Dolores tells Teddy they aren’t going to a place, but rather a weapon to destroy Delos (and possibly all humans).

Though Westworld‘s most interesting characters, Maeve and Bernard/Arnold, were barely featured, the episode was still fascinating and engaging. It was interesting seeing some of the beginnings of the park. The episode also set up more questions that I cannot wait to find the answers to. “Reunion” was an excellent episode that was never dull, despite its 60-minute runtime.

What did you think about the episode? Share your favorite moment in the comments below.

Westworld airs Sundays on HBO.