Big Brother 20 recap: Spoilers from July 29 episode include new HOH

Who goes home on Big Brother tonight, Big Brother 20 start time. (Haleigh Broucher and Faysal Shafaat Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS)
Who goes home on Big Brother tonight, Big Brother 20 start time. (Haleigh Broucher and Faysal Shafaat Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS) /

Big Brother 20 returned for a new episode on Sunday night (July 29). This particular Big Brother 20 recap covers a lot of spoilers that were previously revealed on the live feeds, including who won the Week 5 Head of Household Competition and who they nominated for eviction.

The opening segment covered the fact that Sam Bledsoe’s power had been activated during the July 26 episode. It then showed the vote discussions, leading up to Kaitlyn Herman’s eviction. At the “live” Eviction Ceremony, JC Mounduix was the only houseguest who didn’t vote out Kaitlyn. She was then able to try to finish a puzzle to get back in the BB20 house, but she failed to finish it in time. That ended the Big Brother 20 recap from last week’s action.

July 29 Big Brother 20 recap

The first DIary Room session went to Rockstar, who was quite excited to still be in the BB20 house. Then, Samantha Bledsoe had her own Diary Room session, where she stated that this result was unexpected. Faysal Shafaat stated that he was glad Kaitlyn was gone and Tyler Crispen talked about being “sad at the moment.” Tyler was more concerned about figuring out who made the rogue vote.

Tyler held an unofficial house meeting, trying to convince everyone that he wasn’t the rogue vote to keep Kaitlyn in the game. It eventually led to the Level Six alliance trying to put a target on Scottie Salton for the week. JC was really good at creating extra drama and paranoia in the house with that vote. It also led to Sam and Bayleigh Dayton chatting about how upset they were that someone was trying to frame Tyler.

Week 5 HOH Competition

The competition was an odd one, as each houseguest had to slide down a ramp, one at a time. The object was to be the houseguest to take exactly eight seconds to complete the slide. The person getting the time closest to eight seconds would get named the new Head of Household. Bayleigh went first, finishing with a time of 8.08 seconds. That would be a tough time for anyone to beat. Nobody did. Bayleigh Dayton is the Week 5 HOH.

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Time to figure out nominees

Bayleigh hosted one-on-one meetings with the rest of the houseguests as she tried to figure out her plans. That included meeting with Tyler, where he said he had no alliances. Bayleigh appeared to take pity on him for “losing” Kaitlyn in the house. She agreed to start working with him. Later, she spoke with Scottie Salton, who swore he would work with her.

When she met with Faysal, he stated that JC would be a bad person to put on the block, as he could help Bayleigh moving forward. She told him that she was debating between JC, Brett Robinson, and Rachel Swindler, as to who would end up on the block. Bayleigh admitted in a Diary Room session that while her gut was telling her to nominate JC, Faysal had made sense about not nominating him. Later, Bayeligh and Faysal would argue a lot about JC.

During her meeting with Rachel, Bayleigh told her that she might be a pawn to get Brett out of the game. It was then that Bayleigh decided to share with Rachel that she holds the top-trending power to adjust future HOH nominations. It was an attempt to form an alliance and get trust from Rachel, who swore that she would not tell anyone else about the secret power.

Big Brother 20 recap: Week 5 Nomination Ceremony

At the Nomination Ceremony, Bayleigh Dayton nominated Brett Robinson and Rachel Swindler for eviction.

Next. Full Julie Chen Exit Interview With Kaitlyn Herman. dark

The next Big Brother 20 recap will come from the August 1 episode on CBS. That’s when CBS viewers will find out about the Power of Veto and what might take place at the next Eviction Ceremony. A new report by Inside the BB House covers a number of Big Brother 20 spoilers that will impact that episode. It’s available for readers who want to learn a lot of information that has been made available on the live feeds.