Ahead of Dynasty’s fall finale, Baby Blake goes missing and Alexis goes for the jugular while wedding planning. Does the mother of the bride win?
There’s the old Dynasty we know and obsess over. For much of Season 2, the series slowed its roll and lightened its tone. But one episode ahead of the midseason finale, we’re cooking with gas, which means there’s a kidnapping, an intentional hit and run, and a wedding gown brawl that would make an episode of Say Yes to the Dress gasp. And those are just the stories that involve Alexis.
While Alexis turns Fallon’s wedding preparations into a high society hot mess, Sammy Jo faces temptation from Manny the manny, Culhane makes a dangerous decision, and Cristal’s engagement gift comes with a mysterious look into her past. Who came out on top and in control? Here’s how the power struggle stacked up in the latest episode of Dynasty Season 2. (Warning: Spoilers ahead!)
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1. Fallon
When your day includes gawking at “human Pinterest boards,” you certainly have the most power. Fallon didn’t come to mess around this week after last’s week’s business blunder. She’s throwing herself into wedding planning mode rather than running from it, and she’s prepared to bulldoze whomever gets in her way. When she decides on a whim that the Swan House holds importance to her and it must be her wedding venue, she picks a feud with the woman who’s own nuptials are booked for the same day, Mimi-Rose Prescott. After calling on Alexis’ help and her mother only helping herself, Fallon takes Cristal’s advice and chooses a venue closer to home: her home.
2. Culhane
Fallon’s groom rides off into the night to settle his latest debts with Ada Stone. He must deliver a van full of “antiques” (who knows what’s in them, what they’re made of, etc.) to a warehouse, and an officer of some kind questions his paperwork. Keith, who travels in the van with him, wants to jump the gun literally and kill the officer. But Culhane accuses the officer of pulling him over as racially motivated, and they’re off to Ada Stone without so much as an inspection. During the drop off, a tense matter leads to Culhane receiving the blackmail Ada held on Fallon and Jeff as well as a $5 million payment and an offer to stay on board. He follows his greed.

3. Cristal
Sometimes Cristal comes off as the most relatable and sane person in Carrington manor, and other times she comes off as the sketchiest character of the bunch. She’s constantly offering Fallon wise advice (much like the original Cristal, may she rest in peace) and insisting she doesn’t want the material luxuries their fortune can provide. But when Blake gifts Cristal with a whole soccer team as an engagement present, she looks longingly at a soccer jersey from her past. Excuse me while I read far too into this minor detail. Do darker things lie in Cristal’s past?
4. Sammy Jo
You’d think Sam would be more “powerless” than “powerful” this week. With Steven gone and having taken on the role of a single parent to Baby Blake, good ol’ Sammy Jo’s getting antsy. Far be it from him to sneak a few peeks when Manny the manny takes off his shirt to soothe the baby with skin to skin contact. Even though Sam and Kirby briefly compete for Manny, it’s Sam who catches flirtations from Manny poolside and later almost breaks his vows. In order to resist temptation, Sam fires Manny, but that’s not the biggest news. While flipping through his wedding album, he spots Claudia in a photo. Still not the biggest news. Baby Blake has been kidnapped.

5. Alexis
I’m beginning to think Dynasty is just a comedy of errors for Alexis. She finds herself in a pickle, responds to said pickle with questionable methods, temporarily enjoys a leg up, and then lands two steps behind. As much as she craves power, Alexis won’t stop running in place until she relinquishes her fatal flaws, which are too numerous to list. But she hasn’t learned her lesson this week as she intentionally runs over Mimi-Rose Prescott, a high-society tastemaker, in order to help Fallon land her dream wedding venue. Not to mention, she’s clinging onto the truth about Baby Blake’s true parentage as if their lives don’t depend on it. When will she learn?
Honorable Mentions:
- This week, Anders and Kirby were nothing more than plot devices that helped other characters move their stories forward. However, consider Anders officially suspicious of Cristal since she refused to name any family members.
- Who else thought that the picture of Claudia in Sam’s wedding album looked an awful lot like Cristal? At first, that’s who I thought Sam was freaking out about, but Claudia makes more sense since we know she was there. But wouldn’t it be wild if Cristal was, too?
- Conspiracy theory time! Steven keeps telling Sam (via text message) that he’ll be back for Christmas. And obviously, Claudia will be making her way to the manor soon to find her baby. Now, we’ve been promised a return from Steven “later in the season.” Could Steven and Claudia’s manor visits overlap and result in more gunfire? Just a thought.
- Manny totally took the baby and ran, right? Just judging by her history, Claudia wouldn’t have slipped in and out of the manor that quietly.
What did you think of the latest episode? Let us know in the comments!
Dynasty airs Fridays at 8/7c on The CW.