Grown-ish recap: Did Zoey break girl code?

grown-ish -- Photo by Freeform/Kelsey McNeal -- grown-ish -- Photo by Freeform/Kelsey McNeal -- Acquired via Disney ABC Press
grown-ish -- Photo by Freeform/Kelsey McNeal -- grown-ish -- Photo by Freeform/Kelsey McNeal -- Acquired via Disney ABC Press /

Girl code dilemma: What would you do if you spotted your BFF’s boyfriend at a party without her? That’s the question Zoey asks herself on this week’s episode of Freeform’s grown-ish.

It was just last week on grown-ish that sophomore year began for Zoey (Yara Shahidi) and her friends, and already there’s drama. “New Rules” begins with the usual fourth-wall breaking where Zoey explains that every girl squad operates by a set of rules – both unspoken and otherwise. In other words, girl code.

After a night out at the campus bar, Aaron (Trevor Jackson) announces that there’s a kickback happening over at Hawkins, otherwise known as the “woke” dorm where he’s the R.A. Ana (Francia Raisa), Nomi (Emily Arlook), Jazz (Chloe Bailey) and Sky (Halle Bailey) all pass on the invite, as does Luca (Luka Sabbat). That leaves Zoey and Vivek (Jordan Buhat), who agree to attend. Jazz’s boyfriend Doug is also forced to pass due to a relationship rule that says he can’t attend co-ed parties without his girlfriend.

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Too bad just as quickly as viewers learn about this (rather ridiculous) rule, Doug breaks it. And who is right there watching and subsequently freaking out about it? Zoey.

She admits that Doug being there is kind of harmless. For starters, he lives in Hawkins. Second, he’s not doing anything wrong like talking/flirting with any other women, hence the reasoning behind the “no co-ed parties” rule. Knowing this Zoey should’ve just left well enough alone and went home to Luca, who was anxiously awaiting her arrival so they could cuddle.

Zoey and Sky discuss girl code.
grown-ish — Photo by Freeform/Kelsey McNeal — Acquired via Disney ABC Press /

If Zoey had, though, the episode would’ve been over five minutes in. So instead, she decides to consult Ana and Nomi about what she should do in a private group text. Bad move.

Rule number of girl code is not to make a group text without ALL of your girlfriends included. Rule number two is to not talk behind their backs if you do. Most importantly, rule number three is that if you decide to break the first two rules always, always triple check that you’re typing in the correct text thread. I’m looking at you, Ana.

Ana’s slip of the fingers alerts Jazz to the textgate indiscretion and the group subsequently ices Zoey out. The entire episode is a bit melodramatic and the “rules” are a little arbitrary, but Jazz’s feelings aren’t without merit. When Zoey went behind Jazz’s back to talk about her – even if it was to spare her feelings – it tapped into insecurity she had about whether or not these are her real friends. This is something many of us can relate to.

Zoey eventually apologizes to the group for starting this mess and everyone forgives her, except for Jazz. Does this mean their friendship is over on this show? For the time being, all signs point toward yes.

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Watch new episodes of grown-ish  Wednesday nights at 8/7c Freeform.