When Game of Thrones Season 1 finished, nearly everyone thought it couldn’t be matched. Season 2 exceeded all expectations and proved doubters wrong.
The first season of Game of Thrones hooked the world with a magnificent story, incredible characters, and the absolute lack of compassion for lead character story arcs. If it’s your time to go, GRRM has no problem writing you out of the story posthaste.
Which made the second season of Game of Thrones so exciting. It was new, but it wasn’t. A second first-date. If Ned Stark, who was universally loved by fans, could get decapitated, then anything can happen going forward!
Season intro
After the Starks and the Lannisters established their rivalry, the Lannisters firmly seized control, sending Westeros into a chaotic and eponymous battle for the throne. The real question is whether or not any of it really matters, since Daenerys is P.O.’d, and has actual, real life dragons that breathe fire on her command.
Episode highlights
There’s a bit more time spent north of the Wall at the start of Season 2. While southerners squabble, it turns out the Wildlings are gathering, and others are working in conjunction with White Walkers. Additionally, it seems that nobody – not the Lannisters or the Greyjoys – are interested in the offers proposed by Robb Stark. War is inevitable.
Robb Stark has proven himself a worthy commander, besting the Lannisters. He proves to be flawed in three other ways, however, when he doesn’t at least entice Roose Bolton to be loyal, and completely ignores the Frey-pact when he crushes on Talisa. All that aside, he also won’t consider trading his prisoner Jamie Lannister to get his two sisters back.
Arya Stark’s emergence as a threat may also have started this episode. She becomes Tywin Lannister’s cupbearer at Harrenhal, and is able to lie her way out of danger, despite being inches from the head of her family’s enemy.
Arya’s arrangement with Jaqen H’ghar has moved on the past few episodes. He has killed the Tickler and Amory Lorch. Waiting on the third victim is agony. Arya has all sorts of demons and she should have been using her three wishes from the death genie a little more carefully. It’s as if she knows nothing about counting or patience, like her “brother.”
Sandor “The Hound” Clegane also saved Sansa from being raped, proving her vulnerability and his compassion. Later when she starts to menstruate, she realizes she may end up getting raped by Joffrey anyway. Oddly, there’s also a scenario where Cersei shows some sympathy for Sansa regarding her marriage to Joffrey.
End of season recap
The Westeros South is warring and picking sides, but they don’t see the greater threats (i.e. Daenerys and her growing strength, the army of undead) headed their way. Nonetheless, the turning point for several major characters begins in Season 2. Arya is one step closer to being fierce, while Theon Greyjoy is heading the exact opposite direction. The two potential weddings are set up this season as well.
House Rankings
- Lannister – Crown-holders and forming bonds
- Tyrell – United with the Lannisters, about to be royalty
- Targaryen – Real dragons, growing army, and a ship
- Baratheon – Crushing defeat at Blackwater
- Greyjoy – Theon’s down, but the family is stable
- Stark – Dropped significantly, house in disarray
- Martell – Potential Martell & Lannister union!
- Frey – They were looking good, but not to Robb Stark
- Arryn – The Sweden of Westeros
Game of Thrones returns to HBO Sunday, April 14 at 9/8c.