Game of Thrones: What is Arya running away from?

Arya Stark, Game of Thrones Season 8 HBO Medium
Arya Stark, Game of Thrones Season 8 HBO Medium /

The Game of Thrones trailer dropped earlier this week and we have one question — who or what is Arya Stark running away from?

Not caught up on Game of Thrones or missed the trailer? Trailer spoilers ahead!

Okay, that’s a lie. We have a ton of questions, not just one! The Game of Thrones trailer is a lot to digest. There’s just so much going on our brain can’t process it all. Not to mention, we still haven’t accepted the fact that this is the final season of the series. Are we in denial? You bet! So, let’s take a deep breath, and take things one at a time, starting with Arya Stark.

More from Game of Thrones

A tweet (one you can check out below) said it best, why is Arya running? There’s not much that scares our favorite GoT badass! In fact, she welcomes a challenge. But, in a clip from the trailer, she’s not only running away, but her face has blood AND her expression is full of fear. Protect Arya at all cost or we riot!

Arya Stark is on fan’s list of “Characters who absolutely can’t die,” along with…well, just about most of the characters who are still alive.

Let’s re-watch the trailer once more:

So again, we ask…

There are already a lot of theories out there, because why wouldn’t there be? Leave it to Reddit to name just about every single possibility there can be. Some of our favorite theories are:

  • The Waif
  • A wight

Arya may not be afraid of much, but even she doesn’t want to go up against the Waif (again). And who isn’t shook at the sight of a wight? A reanimating corpse is scary no matter how tough you are. What’s your theory? Let us know in the comments, below!

Next. Game of Thrones: Arya Stark’s journey to Season 8. dark

Don’t forget, Game of Thrones Season 8 premieres Sunday, April 14, only on HBO.