Dynasty power rankings: Which shady figure manipulates Steven in Paris?

Dynasty -- "Parisian Legend Has It..." -- Image Number: DYN214b_0774b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Rafael De La Fuente as Sammy Jo and James Mackay as Steven -- Photo: Stephanie Branchu/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Dynasty -- "Parisian Legend Has It..." -- Image Number: DYN214b_0774b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Rafael De La Fuente as Sammy Jo and James Mackay as Steven -- Photo: Stephanie Branchu/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Dynasty’s back, and there’s a lot to unpack. Fallon and Sam head to Paris to track down Steven and his shady new friend, while Blake seeks revenge.

If there was ever an event on television that’s cause for celebration, it’s the return of Dynasty after that much-too-long hiatus that left a number of cliffhangers unresolved. Well, TV’s best guilty but oh-so-not guilty pleasure is back, and it means business. When Fallon and Sam travel to Paris to get to the bottom of Steven’s troubles, they discover a truth they never imagined.

Meanwhile, back at the manor, the investigation into the shooting hits an all-time high. Alexis attempts to cover her tracks as Blake’s blinding thirst for revenge sends him off the deep end. From powerful to powerless, we’re ranking Carrington manor’s best and brightest on their quest for control. Here’s how the power struggle stacked up in the latest episode of Dynasty Season 2. (Warning: Spoilers ahead!)

1. Steven

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Obviously, Steven doesn’t really have the most power this week, but what fun would it be to reveal the true identity of his possibly imaginary friend George? (Don’t scroll ahead!) However, Steven does have the power to draw Fallon and Sam all the way to Paris to figure out what’s going on with him. And as they find out, there’s a lot going on with him, perhaps more than they could even begin to understand.

He left Paraguay with George Emerson and came to Paris, where he claims to have been mugged and left without his wallet, passport, everything. But by the end of the episode, Steven’s left more powerless than ever.

2. Blake

Look, glorifying Blake’s behavior this week as powerful seems morally bankrupt, but he went full soap opera fun on this murder investigation, and for that we thank him. This is the ridiculous drama we signed up for with Dynasty.

Blake’s filled with rage after Cristal loses the baby in the wake of the accident that killed Mark. He assumes that the man he originally hired to put a hit on Mark followed through with the job, even though he called it off, and kills the innocent hitman (!!). The body count just keeps piling up at Carrington manor…

Dynasty — “Parisian Legend Has It…” — Image Number: DYN214b_0004b.jpg — Pictured: Rafael De La Fuente as Sammy Jo — Photo: Stephanie Branchu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Dynasty — “Parisian Legend Has It…” — Image Number: DYN214b_0004b.jpg — Pictured: Rafael De La Fuente as Sammy Jo — Photo: Stephanie Branchu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

3. Fallon

Since she’s wrapped up in the Steven of it all, Fallon wasn’t making the usual moves that keep her at the top of the leaderboard. But if you thought she was powerful in Atlanta, you should see her in Paris. It’s practically her second home.

Being so, she knows just what to do when she and Sam land, from calling her Parisian cousin to where to grab a glamorous bite for dinner. Despite her power in Paris, she fumbles quite a bit back home when she mistakes a phone call from Culhane as a sign that he wants to get back together. Hint: He doesn’t.

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4. Sammy Jo

Poor, poor, Sammy Jo. He’s been rendered powerless to his husband’s issues, not knowing how to navigate this tricky territory Fallon warned him about. Sam and Steven get into a fight at cousin Juliette’s party about their relationship, Steven’s relationship with this mysterious George character (we’re getting to him, hang on!), and the impenetrable space between them. While it remains to be seen what the future holds for Sam and Steven, Fallon reminds Sam that there will always be a place for him at the manor no matter if he moves on.

Dynasty — “Parisian Legend Has It…” — Image Number: DYN214b_0292b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): James Mackay as Steven and Rafael De La Fuente as Sammy Jo — Photo: Stephanie Branchu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Dynasty — “Parisian Legend Has It…” — Image Number: DYN214b_0292b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): James Mackay as Steven and Rafael De La Fuente as Sammy Jo — Photo: Stephanie Branchu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

5. Adam?!

Much of “Parisian Legend Has It…” led us to think Steven’s friend George Emerson was a figment of his imagination. That’s what Fallon and Sam believe, and that’s what Steven later believes. But that’s exactly what Adam wanted them to believe. That’s right, the kidnapped eldest Carrington sought out his brother (whom he “hooked up” with… ew!) for ditching the life he never had the privilege of living.

By keeping Steven away from his family in a mental health facility in Paris, Adam opens up a spot for himself at the manor. The best part? Fallon and Sam never saw him.

Honorable mentions:

  • Alexis tries to remain one step ahead of the murder investigation to cover her tracks. In fact, she’s responsible for the hitman’s death, too, as she falsely told Blake that she saw him around the stables at the time of the shooting. Keep digging that grave, girl.
  • Anders dumps the dead body in some dark body of water. There are insane levels to how guilty this family is in the various murders in play.
  • Also, Cristal seemingly joins the family business as she condones Blake getting an eye for an eye. Who knew she could get down and dirty?!
  • Culhane and Kirby have a scene together, which was weird because have those two ever communicated? Well, it was for a reason. Much to Fallon’s dismay, Culhane and Kirby could be the next hot item at the manor.
  • Will Adam return to the manor as himself or as Steven’s friend George? Oh, the possibilities sure to come…

What did you think of the latest episode? Sound off in the comments!

Dynasty airs Fridays at 9/8c on The CW.