While Blake throws a party to celebrate Adam’s homecoming, Dynasty answers our Alexis questions and leaves us with more about Cristal’s past.
Hell hath no fury like a Fallon Carrington scorned, and oh boy, has Fallon Carrington been scorned. When the unflattering magazine article about her hits the stands, Fallon jumps into action by pitching a reputation-saving memoir. However, Dynasty’s newest star power player by the name of Adam takes over Blake’s world and makes his story so much juicier.
Elsewhere, the aftermath of Alexis’ unfortunate “fall” into the fireplace rears its ugly head at the hospital, and Cristal receives a high-stakes visitor at the manor. Has her past finally arrived to cash in on a bad deal? From powerful to powerless, we’re ranking Carrington manor’s best and brightest on their quest for control. Here’s how the power struggle stacked up in the latest episode of Dynasty Season 2. (Warning: Spoilers ahead!)
1. Fallon
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Back in her old digs, right on top of the leaderboard, Fallon really showed up to play ball this week and take out a few “miserably ungrateful men.” And no one’s better suited for the job than Fallon Carrington, whose name has been dragged through the mud by a certain damning magazine profile. Sure, she’s made her mistakes, but hey, at least she’s never claimed to be a self-made billionaire.
She tries to spin the news cycle by preparing an image-repairing memoir titled I’ll Do It Myself, selling herself as a cutthroat CEO, but she later learns (after organizing a team to finish a draft in 24 hours) that the publisher humored her to get to Blake. Her father might think she hasn’t worked for her seat at the table, but Fallon proves that if she wants it, she’s got it. To stick it to the misogynistic publisher, she buys the company and renames it Femmeperial. If no one will buy your book, buy the whole company instead.
2. Adam
You have to hand it to Adam. He’s much craftier than you could have ever anticipated. He stows Alexis, in a full face cast, away at the hospital and fends off Jeff’s offers to care for her at his home. Not to mention, Adam arranges for her new face. Yikes. Admittedly, he got lucky with Blake’s emotional cocktail of guilt, vulnerability, and generosity — all blind, of course.
Adam frames the Atlantix team doctor in order to score the job from Blake. It was almost too easy for him to pull off. But Fallon isn’t impressed with her new brother’s presence. What’s his obsession with her all about?

3. Sammy Jo
Believe it or not, Sammy Jo played a key role in keeping the Carringtons safe, and he acted on his pure instincts. Cristal asks Sam to keep an eye on her brother, Beto, while he crashes the manor and hangs Cristal’s debt to their father over her head. Sam accompanies Beto at a strip club, where Beto makes unbecoming remarks.
During Adam’s party, Sam walks in on Beto kissing a man, which prompts Sam to offer his insights about self-acceptance and forgiveness. Sammy Jo inspires Beto to cover for Cristal and keep their father at bay… for now.
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4. Cristal
In the blink of an eye, Cristal created a real mess for herself, huh? She leaned on her family connections to secure the land for the Atlantix stadium, but those connections came at a price. Beto asks Cristal to allow a player named Carlos on the team. But Culhane looks into Carlos and discovers he’s been used for betting in the past and refuses to allow that energy near the team.
But Beto stands down, giving his sister a grace period, though he says in so many words that their father can and will strike against the Carringtons. So, uh, just how dangerous is Cristal’s family?

5. Kirby
You know what, let’s put our girl back on the board just for the fun of it. She’s rightfully taking Blake’s space because his attitude needs adjustment. We have no time for miserably ungrateful men this week — or ever. Kirby has both the skill of being in the right place at the right time and the wherewithal to align with power players.
She’s in a pretty heavy flirtationship (sorry) with Culhane and Fallon’s new partner in publishing. Everything’s coming up Kirby!
Honorable Mentions:
- Liam is back! Please flood the comments, Twitter, and any digital space you can find with boisterous expressions of rejoice. Falliam rides again, folks.
- Time’s up, Blake Carrington. Did he rub anyone else the wrong way tonight, like, big time? His failure to see the distinction between Fallon’s work ethic in spite of her privilege and Adam’s being handed everything in spite of his lack of privilege is remarkably dense and tragically heinous.
- What photo did Adam show the nurse for Alexis’ impending facial reconstruction surgery? Or rather whose picture? Younger Alexis? Fallon? Daphne Zuniga or Melinda Clarke?
- Brief, inconsequential side note: Can we please get Dynasty in a shared cinematic universe with Younger, wherein Fallon throws down with Diana and compete with Kelsey and Liza for the hottest titles on the market? Please?
What did you think of the latest episode? Let us know in the comments!
Dynasty returns Friday, April 19 at 8/7 on The CW.