15 most satisfying deaths on Game of Thrones

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deaths on Game of Thrones
Kit Harington.photo: Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO. Acquired via HBO Media Relations site. /

Olly et. al.

Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 3 “Oathbreaker”

Cause of Death: Hung as traitors after executing Lord Commander Jon Snow in a mutiny at the Wall.

Valar Morghulis: F*ck Olly, amiright y’all? What an entitled brat. With minimal information, Jon Snow took him in to the Night’s Watch and immediately begins to groom him as the next Lord Commander. And what does Jon get for his kindness? Death. A literal stab in the heart, delivered by the kid he hand picked to be his successor. That’s colder than the Night King’s balls.

Olly (Brenock O’Connor) had a lot of hate in his heart for Wildlings, so much so that he couldn’t see why Jon’s decision to let them through the Wall was the correct one.  But instead of talking to his new father figure about the choice, he decided to ante up and join a group of daft mutineers – including the vengeful Alliser Thorne – who didn’t fully appreciate the situation. None of these men deserved to lead. Only Jon Snow knew what was right, and for that decision he gave his life.

However, the mutineers weren’t betting on Jon coming back from the dead. Who would, honestly? Unless you’re special like Jon Snow (or Jesus, I guess?) resurrection isn’t a thing. Once he recovered from his trip to the beyond, Jon’s first act was to sentence his killers to death. And as he passed each of them on the hanging block, leveling judgmental looks in their faces, he damned them to their fates. And fans rejoiced. In fact, people were so excited that a F*ck Olly sub Reddit was launched, and a blue-faced Olly quickly became quite the popular desktop background.