Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2: Odds of death

Game of Thrones Season 8 -- photo: Helen Sloane/HBO -- Acquired via HBO Media Relations
Game of Thrones Season 8 -- photo: Helen Sloane/HBO -- Acquired via HBO Media Relations /

There will be massive death on the final season of Game of Thrones. A weekly death pool is absolutely necessary to help keep track of the odds.

Game of Thrones has never been shy about death. After Ned Stark was beheaded, all bets were off. The odds of death in season 8 will change by the episode, and will update as the final season progresses.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 Preview

Based on the incredible first episode, as well as the preview for the second episode, there are five likely candidates to die next episode.

Jaime Lannister (4/1)

Let’s get right to it: Daenerys loathes Jaime Lannister. Even if he weren’t on the opposing side of humanity vying for the Iron Throne, he is still the mortal enemy’s brother. That alone is reason enough to kill Jaime. The fact he’s the Kingslayer, the person responsible for betraying the Mad King Aerys Targaryen, is the cherry on top. Viserys Targaryen told Dany tales of Jaime Lannister like some kind of disturbed fairy tale before bed…which makes sense since he thought it was a good idea to pimp out his virgin sister to a ruthless, foreign warlord.

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Jaime feels untouchable, but he has to be number one in the death pool. If Dany doesn’t get him, then Jaime might just commit suicide when Bran reveals that Cersei gave herself to Euron Greyjoy. Speaking of him…

Euron Greyjoy (5/1)

Sure, he bedded Cersei. Congrats to him. That doesn’t mean she won’t bite his head off like a praying mantis the first chance she gets. She’s the Queen! The selection of any man in the kingdom, including relatives, is up to her. Normal lovers quarrel. Strategic mates who are only in it for themselves and their stature, however, are likely to do battle.

Euron’s death via Cersei would not be shocking. Maybe the kiss of death could be repeated? Then again, another Mountain pumpkin smash would be fun to watch. Then again…

Game of Thrones
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones/HBO, Acquired from HBO Medium Page, (Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO) /

Cersei Lannister (10/1)

Maybe Euron kills Cersei? Remember, the prophecy said she’ll have three children. So if she’s pregnant, she’s likely to perish before the fourth is born. Additionally, the prophecy says a “little brother” will kill her, not necessarily her little brother. Well, Euron had an older brother, who he killed, and definitely could have a motive if the two of them marry.

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Season 8 — photo: Helen Sloane/HBO — Acquired via HBO Media Relations /

Sansa Stark (20/1)

Will Sansa die? Lord of Light we hope not. But the icy Winterfell reception combined with the subsequent shade about how to feed all the new mouths in town make it at least remotely possible one of the dragons accidentally breathes fire in her general direction.

dark. Next. Game of Thrones: Season 8 Episode 1 Recap

Last but not least, someone is likely to die if the impending Night King battle occurs. Easy money is on someone doing something brave. (Rolls dice) Tormund Giantsbane (25/1).

Game of Thrones airs Sundays on HBO.