It’s a Carrington family showdown during Blake’s murder trial in the Dynasty midseason finale, and a special someone makes her grand return.
There’s never a dull moment for the Carrington family on Dynasty, especially since Blake’s long-awaited murder trial has rolled around and everyone’s getting subpoenaed. Well, everyone except someone who’s been off in Europe getting a new face. But she finds a way to make a splash in court.
While Fallon works to pin the nail in Adam’s metaphorical coffin, Blake’s murder trial is the talk of the town. But even Annalise Keating couldn’t help him get away with this one, as Fallon, Culhane, and the fame-hungry Dominique make his lawyer’s job that much harder. Who arrives to make it even harder? Who left town just in time for the fireworks? Who might not live to see 2020? Let’s dig into the Dynasty midseason finale by ranking the powerful and the powerless.
1. Alexis
Did you miss her? Elaine Hendrix makes her debut as Alexis Carrington, but there’s a catch. No one anticipates Alexis’ untimely return to Atlanta, not even Blake. His lawyers grumble about the rumblings of a secret witness for the prosecution, and no one remembers Alexis has been missing in action. As if on cue, Alexis confidently waltzes into court, donning the usual black and white ensemble with a statement for an Alexis debut, on the arm of her new husband… Jeff Colby. Although the pairing diverges from the original series, it’s quite the power move. They are much more powerful together than they are separately. Good for you, Alexis Carrington-Colby, and welcome, Elaine Hendrix!
2. Fallon
In true Fallon fashion, it was a rough week for our girl, but for once, her bad behavior and questionable decisions actually lead to positive revelations. She’s right: The apple fell so far from the tree, we’re wondering if she’s even an apple. That’s all to say that Fallon’s selfish endeavors somehow always have well-meaning intentions. For starters, Fallon paid Nadia to pretend to fall in love with Adam and break his heart. But this situation, and Fallon destroying her own magazine’s files, snowballed into her wanting to do and be better. And if she’d never come clean to Liam, they might never have uncovered Adam’s truth…. and Liam’s fate wouldn’t be on the line.

3. Anders
Believe it or not, but Anders plays a huge role in Blake’s trial. He’s offered immunity to testify for the prosecution, but in a fit of loyalty, he gruffly turns it down. However, when Blake catches wind of the secret witness, he asks Anders to conduct a sweep of the manor’s staff.
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During the interviews, he learns that it’s Kirby, not a staff member, who has been chatting with the FBI. Even after Blake kicks Kirby back to Australia (spoiler: she didn’t do it), Anders remains loyal to his “son” by accepting immunity and tanking his testimony. He turns Blake’s trial around thanks to a legal loophole, but he could have, and should have, turned on Blake.
4. Adam
If Adam hadn’t gotten his sight back, then he wouldn’t have ranked on the leaderboard. But he starts to get his vision back little by little, which he naturally keeps to himself to use to his advantage. He tries to trick Nadia into staying with him, but after overhearing Fallon’s fabricated fight, he retaliates by setting the Blue Blue vineyard on fire.
Fallon rushes to the vineyard to apologize for her role in his breakdown, but she quickly realizes that he’s regained his sight. She throws something at him, which unlocks Liam’s memory of Adam whacking him over the head with a pot in the Season 2 finale. They lunge for each other and struggle for balance on the barn ledge. Who will fall? Quite literally a cliffhanger.

5. Blake
Simply put, Blake Carrington’s time is up. Big time! But we can’t imagine that even with Alexis’ impending incriminating testimony that he’ll be sent away for very long. There’s nothing fun about Blake behind bars, and there’s no show without Grant Show as Blake Carrington. Still, Blake can’t avoid jail time, right? In no world would any jury ever side with Blake, especially after the gavel-throwing, meme-inspiring circus put on by Fallon and Dominique. And his smug death glares? Those won’t help him when Alexis is finished dragging his name through the mud.
Honorable Mentions:
- Kirby can’t catch a break. She didn’t talk to the FBI about Blake because, as she asks when Blake confronts her, when had they ever spoken? As it turns out, the FBI had been talking to her about her wellness cult leader boyfriend Joel. Sammy’s Scooby ears are up, but he should have done more to intervene. Didn’t he watch Season 5 of Beverly Hills, 90210?
- Unfortunately, Cristal acted as a plot device this week. She stepped in to help Fallon with her Adam takedown and tangled with Dominique for sport outside the courtroom. But none of it felt necessary to Cristal’s character. Cristal seemed bored. Alexis should fix that!
- Who left Atlanta? Monica and Vanessa! The newly united sisters jet off to New York to open the new Club Colby location and to get away from Dominique. Interestingly enough, Jeff chickened out before telling her he married Alexis. Monica misses everything!
- Will Adam or Liam fall from the ledge? Could Liam lose his memory again? Will either of them die? Quick answers: Probably neither, let’s hope not, and don’t hold your breath.
What did you think of the midseason finale? Sound off in the comments!
Dynasty returns Friday, Jan. 17 at 9/8c on The CW.