Sam saves the day in Moldavia, but Dynasty hasn’t tied up all of the loose ends of Blake’s bad deal. Could disaster strike at Fallon’s wedding?
In the penultimate episode of Dynasty Season 3, the you-know-what hits the fan. Sure, it’s not supposed to be the penultimate episode of the season, but the fan’s overrun with mess nevertheless. Picking up with Blake and Anders’ kidnapping, Adam plans a rescue mission with Liam, but Sam sneaks into the mission and saves the day. Meanwhile, Fallon handles a lawsuit thrown at Alexis, while the prospects for her dream wedding are looking grimmer by the Moldavian unrest. Duck and cover, Falliam!
From powerful to powerless, we’re ranking Carrington manor’s best and brightest on their quest for control. Here’s how the power struggle stacked up in the latest episode of Dynasty Season 3. (Warning: Spoilers ahead!)
1. Sam
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After divorcing his connection to the Carrington family (and the death of his aunt, the first Cristal), you’d think that Sam wouldn’t have a place on Dynasty. But the past few weeks have proved that he’s as much of a power player as anyone with that wealthy surname.
This episode, Sam weasels his way into Adam and Liam’s Moldavian rescue mission thanks to Liam’s bachelor party location scouting lies. When Adam and Liam insist he remains on the plane, he drinks and takes pills to numb his anxiety, but he winds up hallucinating his hero, Danny Trejo, and busting into the Moldavian dungeon through the air ducts. Sammy Jo, the unlikely hero they need but don’t deserve.
2. Culhane
Halfway through the episode, we saw this going a different way. When Dominique interrupted their House of Devereaux Season 2 meeting with a litany of demands for the producers, it seemed as though she tanked it on purpose to ditch Culhane off their coattails. After all, she had a fall back in her new manager Chase’s concept for her own eponymous talk show. She’d be the next Oprah!
But as she quickly learned, with a sassy cameo from Kirby, Chase didn’t exist. Her bright future with a global television takeover was a lie orchestrated by Culhane. The whole time, he had a plan to get her back, and it had been in motion longer than his plan to take advantage of the reality show.

3. Fallon
She’s having a rough few weeks, our girl. Not for lack of trying, but Fallon can’t quite seem to reconcile her current state of stability in her personal life with the people in her constant orbit. This episode, she’s saddled with a lawsuit care of Alexis’s Aunt Alexis podcast, during which Alexis advises a caller to “get behind the wheel.”
The caller, Joyce Doyle, claims Alexis’s counsel caused a car accident that left her injured and drowning in medical bills. In Joyce’s defense, Alexis is nothing more than a bad Frasier, lobbing half-wit wisdom at unsuspecting listeners. Evan (remember him?!) returns with legal guidance for Fallon: settle for $2 million. But Fallon’s fashion sense saves her legal fees and an extreme payout.
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4. Cristal
Yes, Cristal pulled a Kelly Taylor “I choose me” moment this episode, but we have other pressing matters to dissect. When confronted with Blake’s kidnapping in Moldavia, her first instinct was to tell Fallon. Do you understand how monumental that is? She trusts Fallon to get [redacted] done more than anyone else at the manor. That’s telling, folks!
Of course, they don’t inform Fallon, and it’s a hot mess of an operation, but Cristal has to tend to matters of the heart. She leaves a voicemail for Father Collins and admits that she believes the kidnapping is God’s way of punishing them for having sex. Girl, it’s not always about you! Nonetheless, upon Blake’s return, she calls for a break. Smell that? Blake’s printing fresh divorce papers.

5. Adam
Once again, Blake Jr. proved himself to be a total flop during a crisis. His plan to save Blake and Anders was a bigger disaster than the kidnapping itself. However, and this is a super-sized however, we found ourselves siding with Adam. Blake reveals that he had access to the oil the entire time but made waves to prove a point, putting Adam’s life at risk in the process.
In layman’s terms, Adam flirted with death for nothing, and he’s mad. He has a point! Unsurprisingly, Blake attempts to smooth things over with a job offer, which Adam accepts on the secret terms of revenge. Adam’s Emily Thorne era is upon us. Prepare your red Sharpies for a messy battle.
Honorable mentions:
- Fallon noticing the dirty stiletto and the mud print on Joyce’s doormat is her ultimate Elle Woods moment. Why didn’t Fallon become a lawyer or detective?
- Can we talk about Evan, PLEASE?! He has that lock of Fallon’s hair, and he’s going to use it, right? He wanted to be her hero… but that didn’t pan out. Plan B: Ruin her life?
- How much do we love Liz and Elaine’s scenes as Fallon and Alexis actually getting along? No shade to Nicollette, but these scenes wouldn’t have worked last year.
- Blake gifted Anders with the deed to a beachfront restaurant in New Zealand, his dream retirement plan, and it’s the sweetest thing he’s ever done? Somewhere beneath his instinct to break the law, Blake has a tender heart. It’s pretty dusty, though.
- Falliam’s wedding, which won’t arrive until Season 4, will have a deadly cameo from Moldvia, right? We’re in OG Dynasty territory now, ladies.
What did you think of the latest episode? Sound off in the comments!
Dynasty airs Fridays at 9/8c on The CW.