Things are not looking great for the Cooper family. Everything is kind of a mess and they’re going through one of their toughest times. And in the Young Sheldon season 5 finale, another issue has come up for George.
The finale, “A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and The Future” showed us Sheldon has hit puberty as he got his first pimple, Georgie and Meemaw got arrested at the US-Mexican border, and Mary gets a job at the bowling alley with Brenda. The same Brenda who is their neighbor and we’ve seen sparks fly between she and George.
The big hit for George in this episode was officially losing his job as head football coach at the high school. We knew this was coming, but it was officially confirmed to us and him in the season’s finale episode. So what happened?
Why did George lose his job on Young Sheldon?
When George walks into work, his friend and co-worker Wayne gives him the bad news. The school has decided to let him finish his year with them, but the following school year wouldn’t see him as head coach anymore. They’ve offered it to Wayne.
The parents of the football team, especially mean dad Roy, have had it out for the Cooper father since the team hasn’t had a good season. They want a change. And the principal was pressured into siding with the parents.
Of course this isn’t good for George. They have a mortgage and other expenses to pay. Though he could have finished the school year, he decides to quit. Though he and Mary look for a job, there’s nothing that’s a good fit for him. And he is working at Ballard’s but the money he makes there is not enough.
We see how Mary finds a job for him at the local grocery store, but he’s embarrassed to take on the role. His wife isn’t happy that he’d rather not do that and sulk at home instead of work to provide for his family.
With sparks flying between George and Brenda, as well as Mary and Pastor Rob this is probably just another thing that adds to the growing tensions in their marriage. We know the inevitable cheating storyline and untimely death of George is coming. Unfortunately, this is probably one of the first steps in that direction.
The good news is that the story will continue in Young Sheldon season 6, as the CBS show has been renewed for a sixth and seventh season.