Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage "Diet Crap" review: Financial feuding

Georgie and Mandy try to overcome yet another monetary hurdle in this week's episode.
“Todd’s Mom” – Things get awkward when Georgie and Mandy try to make new friends. Meanwhile, Jim and Audrey get competitive playing a game with Connor. Casey Wilson (“Happy Endings”) guest stars as Beth, a fellow waitress Mandy befriends at the diner who is looking for fun in the wake of her recent divorce, on GEORGIE & MANDY’S FIRST MARRIAGE, Thursday, Nov. 7 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME
“Todd’s Mom” – Things get awkward when Georgie and Mandy try to make new friends. Meanwhile, Jim and Audrey get competitive playing a game with Connor. Casey Wilson (“Happy Endings”) guest stars as Beth, a fellow waitress Mandy befriends at the diner who is looking for fun in the wake of her recent divorce, on GEORGIE & MANDY’S FIRST MARRIAGE, Thursday, Nov. 7 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage began the New Year with a new financial roadblock, but in the spirit of the Cooper fundamentals, the couple came to a resolution. It's not to say there was some bickering, as that always happens between Georgie and Mandy; it's how it plays out and whether it'll be the rip in their marriage.

Continuing, I like how Connor upped his game as he was just somebody in the shadows, waiting to make even the smallest fanfare in the narrative. And that's an element that I like about Connor. He might not be the most central character, as that goes to Georgie and Mandy, but when Connor is highlighted, it really pulls him into a strong focus

"Diet Crap" was a great episode for the Coopers and McCallisters to make their comeback following their hiatus. It explored yet another couple cash strain that's relatable while seeping in the humor.

Mandy hates the fact that Georgie is the main breadwinner in Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage "Diet Crap"

In season 1, episode 8, titled "Diet Crap," Mandy gets aggravated that her husband is their primary source of income, and he has no college education while she does. She makes it a firm highlight regarding her Bachelor in Communications, even having the audacity to say she should make more than Georgie because of her accomplishment.

Honestly, I find that outburst a hard blow. Georgie should be praised for his hard work and the determination to build a good life for his family. Not everyone has a degree, and they're just as resilient as those who do have one. It might be more challenging to gain employment, but at least Georgie is trying to make something of himself.

Mandy had a problematic shift at the diner, as there was only one customer, and he only ordered tea. The situation was the catapult Mandy needed to find a more significant income. On her drive home, she fell for a diet-selling scheme to bring in the bucks. She just had to hand over $1200 for the products and resell them, perhaps doubling the compensation.

It's not as easy, as selling door-to-door was an epic fail, and Mandy's attitude about her sales pitches. So she tries another way to sell the diet products. Selling them in front of a grocery store, as there are lots of people with lots of foot traffic. Yet, her sales don't make, until Georgie pops in and successfully makes one for her, just by casual talk and customer connection.

While Mandy should be appreciative that Georgie was helping her, his act only irritates her more. It sets the couple up for another argument on money, causing a small divide.

Connor's corner in "Diet Crap"

Meanwhile, Audrey and Jim discuss their kids. Audrey reminds Jim that Mandy selling diet crap is just like the time she was trying to sell Girl Scout Cookies. As a good dad, Jim brought a load of cookies and thought he should buy the diet to make his daughter happy. Audrey then tells him that he shouldn't be coddling her, but Jim refutes that she should stop coddling Connor, as he's 26 years old and has "bloomed."

It turns out that Audrey likes caring for Connor as he is her last born and feels disconnected when he starts to do odd jobs around the house simply because Jim asked him to. And Connor enjoys doing them, whereas most wouldn't. The characteristic only gives Connor a solid storyline and erases the invisibility.

Back to Mandy: She managed to make a few sales at Cee-Cee's checkup, and she's proud of it. She just wants to be something more than Cee-Cee's mother and a wife, which is fine because having an outlet strengthens her personality and expands her possibilities.

The same could be said for Audrey, but the opposite. She wants to be identified as a mother as that is what she values and sees herself as. Allowing Connor to become independent and eventually move out saddens her, but she also knows that kids need to spread their wings. Audrey comes from a different period in which motherhood and a housewife were the pinnacle of gender societal roles. That idealogy gradually shifted in the 1950s, only to explode in the next decade, with even more monumental expansion into the nineties. Women wanted to be independent and seen as equal to men. Yet, in the 90s, women wanted to be seen as more dominant because it meant survival.

Georgie's new women knowledge

Georgie wants to do whatever he can to be a better husband, believing Mandy has hung the moon. He picks up the book Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus to educate himself on what women want and how to be more empathetic. Mandy is impressed, and it seems that the feud has subsided for now.

Until next week.

Georgie and Mandy bonus bits

  • I like Audrey in "Diet Crap" as she wasn't as judgmental and cold. I hoe that the pattern continues in future episodes.
  • Connor saying that he has an electric personality after a childhood incident was perfect comedic timing.
  • It turns out that Mandy is more persevering than intialliay believed. She went back to the apartment complex with an apologetic sob story and managed to make a sale.
  • Georgie needs more support from his wife, but somehow she make up for it with the bedroom talks.

Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage airs on CBS on Thursday at 8/7c , with streaming the next day on Paramount+

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