Supernatural Season 2, Episode 10: Sam meets another Special Child with visions

Photo credit: Supernatural. The CW by David Grey, Acquired via CW PR
Photo credit: Supernatural. The CW by David Grey, Acquired via CW PR /

Sam decides to hunt alone in Supernatural Season 2, Episode 10, and meets Ava Wilson along the way.

Supernatural Season 2, Episode 10 started with the big reveal. As the midseason premiere, fans tuned in to find out exactly what John had told Dean in the season premiere months early. It had been an excruciating break, but well worth it.

After learning the truth, Sam decides it’s time to find out more about the Special Children. While it may mean going it alone, it’s a price he’s willing to pay.

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Dean reveals the truth

The episode opens with the big secret that John had told Dean at the end of the Supernatural Season 2 premiere. Despite wanting to believe the best about Sam, John needed Dean to be mindful of the chances that Sam could be evil. Should Sam hurt people, Dean would need to be willing to stop him.

Of course, Dean would never want to hurt his brother, but Sam isn’t happy. After initially getting over the fact that Dean had kept this from him, Sam decides it’s time to find the other Special Children. He needs to know the full truth about the Yellow-Eyed Demon and the plan that was in place. Dean doesn’t really want to do this, especially after the case with the Croatoan virus.

So, Sam decides to go it alone. He steals a car and heads to the Roadhouse, so Ash can give him a list of all those whose moms died in a nursery fire in 1983. There are just four names on the list, Sam, Max, Andy and a new guy, Scott Carey.

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Sam meets Ava Wilson

Photo credit: Supernatural. The CW by David Grey, Acquired via CW PR
Photo credit: Supernatural. The CW by David Grey, Acquired via CW PR /

It turns out that Scott was murdered and Sam decides to figure out who the murderer is. While in the town, he comes across a young girl named Ave Wilson. She’d had a vision of Scott’s death but has tracked Sam down because she had a vision of his death. Sure enough, there is someone out there for Sam: Gordon.

Gordon open fires on the motel room Sam and Ava are in, hoping to catch his prey.

Fortunately for Sam, Dean had been able to track Sam down with the help of Ellen. However, Gordon overpowers Dean, knocks him out, and abducts him. With Dean hostage, Gordon knows that Sam will be lured into a trap. This is exactly the vision Ave saw.

Gordon already knows more about Sam and the other Special Children. He knows that Sam is part of a demonic army and believes that Sam is either already evil or will become evil. Where did he get the information from? An inside source at the Roadhouse, which also helped him figure out where Sam was right now.

Gordon gets his just desserts

Being the hunter that he is, Sam is able to work around Gordon’s traps. After sending Ava home, he goes to rescue Dean, knocking Gordon out in the process. When Gordon comes to, he rushes out but the police have already pulled up and discovered his weapons. Gordon is arrested, taking one piece of the puzzle out of commission for now.

Sam decides to call Ava to check that she got home, but she doesn’t pick up. When the Winchesters check to find her, they find her fiancé dead, her engagement ring on the floor in a pool of blood and sulfur in the room. But there’s no Ava.

Next: Supernatural Season 2, Episode 9 recap: A demonic virus is released

What did you think had happened to Ava? Were you happy to see Gordon get his just desserts? Share your thoughts from the episode in the comments below.

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