Interview: David Kaye speaks with us about Siren and his role in the hit series

Credit: Taseda Knight
Credit: Taseda Knight

David Kaye recently took the time to speak with us about his role as Jerry in Siren, his journey in acting/film-making, and his future plans.

Those that have seen the new hit series Siren will know that David Kaye’s character, Jerry, is the life of the party. Here’s the inside scoop on Siren and the actor’s career.

Hidden Remote: Well, first of all, I just want to thank you on behalf of FanSided and Hidden Remote for your time today!

David Kaye: Oh my pleasure! Thanks for talking to me!

HR: Yeah man, pleasure’s mine. So, to get a little background on you — your first ever film, Legends of the Fall, won an Academy Award.

DK: Sure did!

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HR: That’s a pretty good start! Not many people can say that! Can you share a little bit about your acting and film-making journey for our readers?

DK: Sure, well, … like you said, my first film was Legends of the Fall. And then I continued acting throughout my childhood doing various TV spots, and a couple other films. I did 3000 Miles to Graceland, … that one was super fun. … And around the same time, I started doing voiceovers as well. … [which was also] super fun. I learned a lot with those guys. And …  I just kept on doing that kind of stuff throughout high-school, and then I decided to take a break, went away to England for a year to study.

And then when I came back, I decided that I didn’t really wanna do anything else with my life anymore. … [Then I pursued a] fine arts degree [with a] focus in acting. … And while I was doing that, I took an introduction to film production course, cuz I figured — I’ve been around all these amazing people doing all this incredible [behind-the-camera] work, but I had no idea what they were actually doing.

So I decided to learn, and I realized [my] second passion. And so in 2008, I started a film production company with my very good friend and colleague Jameson Parker, who is the head of development for Brightlight pictures up here in Vancouver. And we started doing music videos for local artists, and then a short film, and we just are about to have a theatrical release for our first feature that we produced, and that’s comin’ out this summer; it’s called Prodigals, and, yeah! That brings us to today I guess.

Siren season 1 episode 3
Photo credit: Freeform / David Bukach, acquired from Freeform Press Site

HR:  So, in your life, as far as acting, and just life in general, who would you say is your biggest role model?

DK: My biggest role model for life in general. Um, honestly, I gotta say my sisters. I’ve got two younger sisters, and, they’re both extremely different. One of them is about to start her Ph.D. at the Royal College of Music in London. And she’s just, she’s a total genius. I learn so much from her just talking to her. And then my other sister, my youngest sister, she is studying social work and she’s just so optimistic and wants to change the world and yeah. I really love them and cherish them both and I learn so much from them.

HR: That’s so cool, man. I have three little sisters too, and I love ’em to death, so that’s awesome. So, let’s get into Siren a little bit. I gotta say, you were crackin’ me up! (laughs).

DK: Thanks, man!

HR: You’re a funny dude! And I wanted to ask you, cuz I would imagine humor isn’t really the easiest thing to pull off if it’s, ya know, “super scripted.” Do they let you, kind of, wing it a little bit and go off script? Or are you just really good at taking what they’ve scripted and breathing life into it?

David Kaye: Most of it is extremely scripted —

HR: Which is honestly even more impressive, if you can take something that’s already pre-written and make it that funny.

DK: Thanks! yeah, I mean, I think the writing’s great. So it definitely makes it easier when the writing’s good. But every now and again they give me free reign, and that’s a lot of fun. But it’s interesting too because the last couple roles I’ve done, I’ve played somebody who’s been incarcerated for manslaughter, and somebody who’s like, a psycho killer, so it’s really fun to stretch these other comedic muscles.

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HR: Wow, I mean, I’m not kidding, you’re a natural. I mean the way you delivered your lines, and your timing  — it was really funny to watch. It was just like, out of nowhere, there’s this guy Jerry (laughs) and then [we’re] just cracking up.

David Kaye: That’s awesome! I’m so glad you liked it! And again, the opportunity to work with these guys on Siren — they’re such hard workers; they’re so wonderful to work with. Eline (Powell) is such a powerhouse. I’m such a huge fan of her physicality. Like, [she pays attention to] every. little. detail. She leads with her face. And when she’s walking, her arms are out behind her, like, she’s still swimming. And as she’s learning to move and observing all these things, she becomes more human in her mannerisms.

HR: It is super impressive. And I wanted to ask you about that; because she is so good at playing her character that … I find myself a little freaked out sometimes.

DK: Totally

HR: And, I mean, you have sisters, you mentioned. You know how, like, when a family member or a friend starts acting, ya know, freaky just to freak you out?

DK: Yeah.

Credit: Taseda Knight
Credit: Taseda Knight

HR: Ya know, and you’re just like aaaah, [you get] the heebidy geebidis. Do you ever like feel like that when you’re doing scenes with her? Cuz, I was freaked out watching you. And several times I was like — he’s gonna die (laughs). 

DK: Well, I guess the difference between Jerry and the audience is that the audience knows what’s going on. Jerry’s absolutely clueless. Jerry just sees this woman, with his friends, whom he doesn’t know, and he thinks she’s really cute. And that’s kind of the reality for Jerry at that point, ya know? So, he’s just kind of clueless as to what’s going on. He’s just happy to be there, really.

HR: Ok, so you’re good to go; I’m the one who’s gettin’ freaked out here (laughs), that’s awesome. So, … what’s it like being on the set of the show? … Do you have any funny or interesting stories to share so [we] can get to know the dynamic on set?

DK: All the cast members are wonderful, and the crew too. Everyone is excited to be there. Everyone’s excited about the project; everyone’s super friendly. I guess my one of my favorite experiences on this show is getting to work with the sea lions. That was super cool. Because I’ve had the opportunity to work with animals on set in the past, … but the sea lions are these like — these magical creatures! They’re so smart and they are a fierce predator in the wild, but these things, they have personalities!

There’s four of them that we get to work with — there’s Cigna, which is the one I fed in episode three, Hazy is the one in the pilot that they rescued, she’s only got one eye, and then there Bunny and Yasha. And they actually have completely different personalities. And the more I hang around them, the more I get to know them. …

HR: that’s so cool! I mean they — they are really good actors themselves. I mean, they’re definitely warning you of the dangers there. (episode 3) 

DK: Totally.

HR: That’s so cool. So, as far as you’re concerned, what are some things that you do to prepare for playing a character?

DK: Well, I guess it really depends on the character. like, Jerry — Jerry is a dream. I just kinda get to be — like I always think of Jerry like a dog. He’s super happy to see his friends whenever they enter the room, he’s just really present in the moment, it’s really hard to have a bad day as Jerry. Everything’s just, kind of, sunshine and roses, which is great! Ya know, for the time being — we’ll see what’s in store for Jerry down the line. But he’s definitely an eternal optimist. Whereas some of the other characters I’ve played recently have definitely been a lot darker. And so, one of the things when I was playing KC in Cadence, who’s a crazy psycho killer — I sat down with a cognitive behavioral specialist and I talked about the differences between psychopaths and sociopaths and talked about [how they think], and stuff like that. So in order to get into the mindset of some of my other characters, I really do a lot of research to really be able to step into those shoes.

HR: Nice, wow. That’s a lot of work, I would Imagine.

DK: Yeah! I love it! I wouldn’t do anything else if I could!

HR: That’s awesome. So … I guess it’s all up in the air right now if Siren is coming back — I don’t know anything, and I don’t know if you can say anything?

DK: I don’t know anything either, I wish I did.

Credit: Taseda Knight
Credit: Taseda Knight

HR: Ok, … what are you looking towards in the future here? Do you have any plans in the interim?

DK: In the interim, yeah! So, like I said, Prodigals is coming out this summer, which is really exciting, because it’s my first feature that I’ve produced, but I’m also acting in it. I play a guy who’s on trial for murder after accidentally killing somebody in a bar fight. So, that’s a fast departure from Jerry. Then I’ve got season two of White Ninja coming out in the next couple months. And I co-produced and voiced, I think, like, sixteen characters in that show. It was a webcomic that had a massive fan-base in the early to mid-2000’s. And it was featured on as one of the top ten webcomics. And, anyway, my business partner, Tyler Funk, had always wanted to make it into a cartoon. So we produced the first season and we released it on Vine, which is now no longer a thing. But in its first season, we got 70,000 followers, about 30 million views.

HR: Wow! Ok, well done!

DK: But now that it’s gone, we have to start from square one. So, we’re re-releasing it in a couple months. So if you are a comic fan, if you are an animation fan, if you’re just a fan of the weird and wonderful, definitely look for White Ninja; It’s gonna be coming out soon.

HR: …Very cool man! Well, I really appreciate your time! …

DK:: My pleasure!

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What do you think? Will there be a season 2 of Siren?  Will David Kaye, Eline Powell, and Fola Evan-Akingbola be back for another round?