How to watch the Once Upon a Time Series Finale live

ONCE UPON A TIME - ABC/Jack Rowand - Acquired via Disney ABC Press
ONCE UPON A TIME - ABC/Jack Rowand - Acquired via Disney ABC Press /

The Once Upon a Time Series Finale is officially here. Get the tissues ready and prepare for the most emotional goodbye ever. Check out all the details and how to watch live tonight.

Who would have thought the Once Upon a Time Series Finale would get here so quickly? It seems like yesterday that we were getting all the latest news at SDCC 2017 about this new fairytale story. We hoped there would be many more years to come with Adult Henry, Ella, Lucy, and many more, right?

Well, the OUaT Series Finale is officially here and it’s time to say goodbye. Sacrifices will likely be made and it’s all been brought back to the one character that still hasn’t quite found redemption: Rumple. Hopefully, this means that Rumple and Belle will finally get the chance at their happy ending somewhere in the afterlife. His hope for that is currently fading, which is allowing Wish Rumple, his darker alter ego, to take over and this is the worst Rumple we’ve ever seen.

Once Upon a Time Series Finale
ONCE UPON A TIME – ABC/Jack Rowand – Acquired via Disney ABC Press /

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Meanwhile, Tilly and Margot head to Storybrooke. They need help from those who have been through a lot of this before. This is how all our favorite characters are about to return and it will be a chance to see where certain couples are now. Oh, and we get Snow and David back with their bows and arrows. It’s about time we saw the warriors that they became in the Enchanted Forest all those years ago.

The episode is aptly titled “Leaving Storybrooke.” While many of us probably thought it was mostly the title to hint that we’d go into Storybrooke to say goodbye, it looks like it’s a nod to the actions our favorites from seasons past will take to bring this whole story to a conclusion.

ONCE UPON A TIME – ABC/Jack Rowand – Acquired via Disney ABC Press
ONCE UPON A TIME – ABC/Jack Rowand – Acquired via Disney ABC Press /

My question is: will Regina make it through this alive? She’s willing to give up her life to prove to Wish Henry that there are people who love him. Part of me does hope that Regina gets the chance to get her happy ever after with Robin and that would realistically mean death. And part of mean wondered whether we’d see her sacrifice her life to save her son. That would be her ultimate redemption.

Check out the promo and synopsis below for the Once Upon a Time Series Finale.

"Wish Rumple’s evil plan is revealed and Regina realizes the only hope to stop him is by turning Wish Henry from his path for vengeance. Meanwhile, Tilly and Margot try to get help in Storybrooke. With his hope of ever being reunited with Belle fading, Weaver struggles to find a way to defeat his evil alter ego; and when Rogers’ life is threatened, he is faced with the ultimate sacrifice."

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And now it’s time to get your tissues ready. You’ll be able to watch this live tonight with the following options:

Date: Friday, May 18
Start Time: 8:00 p.m.
Episode: Season 7, Episode 22, “Leaving Storybrooke”
TV Channel: ABC
Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2